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Show lAKLI-XOS. Tlit land ut'Nud an auction .-hup. The poutid of fl'i-ih - .Making toujtL stak leuder. "To etnimnt-i to oat iuiuiii;iatitM iii the ratio in Virginia. A Doctor's uiolto is sujipu-ej to be "patit-nt-s and long .-uthrint." Saxe graphically tlcscribe-i a certain lease of bccittak as "ait iufrineiuent on i Goodyear'.-! patent." I A eon temporary says uf a irouiinenl lieoeral that "his sword was never drawu but once, aud then iu a niilie." A crying baby refuitd to Itavc a Southbride (Ias.) church reeemly, and the pastur kindiy cut short hi.-bcruion. hi.-bcruion. This i the New York L'td r's !asi gasp: "Some people say there is no wit in a pun. Well, it is a do pun iUestiou.'' American tuuri.it are currying off' the temple of Baalbek "by the sack- I Jul," so a Seoethuian writes to the London Tt'iiim. A person looking at some skdcUn he other day, asked a young doeloi present where he got them: lie replied, re-plied, "We raised them." An unbroken liue of tuwuships through Story county, Iowa, have voted a live per oeut. tas iu aid of the Iowa, Minnesota and North I'ucilie railroad. The Springiicld ItepidiUvun discovers that some earrings are "longenough to touch the shoulders." That's uothinir some of them touch the bottom of1 the pocket. An itinerant peanut vender, in Indianapolis, Aotouio Conli, has gone to Italy, to settle up an estate left him. The title of count is included in the treasure ho inherits. Four hundred and forty-five vessels belonging to or bound to or from ports in the United States, were reported lost or missing during tho year 1871, and their estimated value was $11,-985,000. $11,-985,000. It is perhaps a debatable question whether a person who has always been notoriously iu the habit of lyins; has a right to tell the truth. It is, of course, I the only device by which he can deceive de-ceive people. A New llamp.-hire man recently refused re-fused to subscribe ibr a daily paper "because it helped to build up tUe business of the place, and the wealthier wealth-ier the town was the higher his taxes would be." llomanliu Amelia (wedded to the I young doctor, Caladon): "Jiook Cala-don, Cala-don, such a beautiful sunset! The sky , is all orimsou!" Unromautic Cala-0 Cala-0 don: "Ya-as, appears to have a mustard plaster on." A two year old Ayrshire bull aud a yearling ram belonging toll. K. Ax-tell, Ax-tell, of Ogdcnsburg, N. Y., recently fought a desperate battle, two days at intervals. In the last round the bull tell dead, having succumbed to the judicious butting of his lighter aotag- onisL j The largest price ever paid in one sum for the copyright of a novel was :W,000, which Messrs. Smith & Elder paid to George KlHot for her "liouio-la." "liouio-la." It is said that tho publishers lost money by it, as the book never became so popular in Kugland as the novelist's ' other works. |