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Show UtyW. U.TcloerapU.J THE PRESIDENT AMI THE TARIFF. Washington, Feb. 1. Delegations ol manufacturers representing the leading lead-ing induslriesof the United States were presented to the President by senator Scott. In introducing (ho party he said that they were there to prevent the reduction oi'duties on foreign articles, which enter into competition with American manufacturers, which reduction re-duction can only result in tho direct injury of the interests of American labor. The President said he believed that Ins views on this subject were generally well understood, lie hadn't changed from thoso expressed in his last annual message, that a reduction ot duties on articles that we could manufacture had but one tendency, that of depressing industry, injuring the wonting classes and reducing them to tho condition of the pauper laborers labor-ers of Europe. His desire regarding the action of congress on this question, were that articles not produced pro-duced in this country, not entering into general competition, should be admitted Irec of duty, while on those competing with our manufacturers the duty should aot be reduced. The delegation visited Boutwell who indicated his opposition to any policy nterfenng with the production of the country. j |