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Show JIIX13G BUREAU OP THE PACIFIC PACI-FIC COAST. The Mutiny World of Dec. 3oth has the following . The following official dispatch, the publication of which has just been authorized, au-thorized, on account of public interest settles definitely the degree of reliance which may bo placed upon the standing stand-ing and workings of the mining bureau bu-reau by European investors in American Ameri-can miniug enterprises. This important import-ant official document needs no comment com-ment i' speaks sufficiently for itself-Translation itself-Translation of a dispatch, dated O. t 2d, 171, it Mr. dmond JJratil, cnusul-gi-htral of France at San trancisco, to his Exa-llvncu the minister min-ister of foreign affairs of France at Fart'; : Col. J. Bei ton, vice consul of France at Sacramento, founded at the beginning begin-ning of this year, and under the name of the '-.Mming Bureau of the Pacific Coast, an association having for its! object to develop the rich mines of this coast with the aid of foreign capital, cap-ital, which can be obtaiued at a much lower rale of interest than in California, Califor-nia, to protect such capital, and to encourage en-courage its investment in California mining enterprises, by making known1 in Europe such mines as are really1 valuable. In order to appreciate the usefulness useful-ness of such au institution as the mining min-ing bureau, it is necessary to well comprehend com-prehend the condition up to a recent period ot the mining market on the Pacific Coast. Since the discovery of i Sold in California hundreds of miiliona have been extracted from the soil, but' together with mines olfering guarantees i ol an advantageous development, in' wnieh foreign capital could be invested ivith protit, the couutry has numerous valueless iinartz mines, represented as being very rich by their owners, and being so.d as such to credulous pur-:iiaers, pur-:iiaers, tempted by the fabulous promts pro-mts ot syiue aoioining mines, aud sub--e-iucntl meeting with a complete de-jention. de-jention. In op.kr to put an end to that ur-anva ur-anva system ol swindling, Mr. Ber-uo Ber-uo couceived the idea of establishing he luiajQ bareau, the obieet of which 10 examine the value of auriferous ind argcndlcroiis lands sought to be is-.l.'tvd. 10 sire sujh enterprises as' ire genuine an endorsement which : Tou.i c.-t:icr upon them a real value in n the money market of Europe. As may ce easily believed. .Mr. Keren Ker-en met. iiom the be-ineing to even 1 :ow, with a .vrmidibie opposition from i na: Qe-tjricui cissci' swindles opera-! orb m "wi;d cat" coceeics, who" felt ! heuise-ves seriously menaced iQ theij ' leiarieus business, and. unfortunately, eme ot them used even caiumny as" a 1 winme arm. Bat they had to deal ; ruh a man of ecergeiie nature, who is lunula ted rather than disconcerted byj' J obstacles, and Mr. Bcrtou, perseverini m his way, has met with the mo.-.brilliant mo.-.brilliant buccok. IWiirn capital i Inowtiowiot tothisc.a-t to s. ek inve-t ment in mining enterprise iudorsed b jlhe mining bureau, ihe offi.-e ot whici is at Saeraun-ntn, the caj.ital of th State of California, w hile it withhold itself Irom those which have not re ceived its indiTrt-'tucut. Should your excel k-cy oudescend t ter me the enclosed proceedings of tin , first annual convention of the minim bureau ol the Pacific coast yuu w til tint ample details concerning the proves, of the institution, which deserves, to l, liarticularly encouraged. El'MONU PllKl'lL, Consu!-g.-ucral of Fi ance ai San Fran I he foregoing translation Is correct liEI.Cui'K, Chancellor o the Consulate-general of France, Sai rranciseo. San Francisco, Dec 1. |