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Show FficQlDAL J. D. THOMPSON, BI. D., l'llYSICIAX AND SLT.GEOX, 0Or hi ffinnal .'Trice, to tho pooil. f Ll.l.T. Kn4tw K l;lii;ar K'.l.vrt-' brick h"u, umo no M. .Vir,. . l'I,u:ch. 0. C. DRttS-Y, M.D. 1' il Y LCI AN , S U KG EON AN D DHU-G1ST, UIUtiUAl CTITl, ll'All, J. M. & F. IX liEAEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Ofiicc Over Culler Bro'a Music Emporium, il W. F.A.OEriSQN, M.D. H. ). RICHARDS, M.D. Siliceous ami Physicinus, 0 fij t . f -j r tho jront. at thoir rc.:;i;cti vo resido-cei in tho Li;h audlTiti Wards. u6 - DR. GROVES, Onice iiid South St., Suit Luhe City. Three doors Wet of Kovero H-juso, bull b block rJ'Ut of the lcpht store. OrflGI HUUHS FEuM 'J A.M. TO 5 P.M. ml BATHS, S3 ATMS! Warm Spring; iJuliis ! Private iiid Plunge. ( Th-wce'ratd baths are op-Mi to th ptiHIr at ill J w..s.ini. Xl-ir B.rx).ci:mJ jiivjjiTti! uru wliMy kEHn D thai il i i.w)Ii".r tc einirucrpiU' horn. ' B-ii'I 'It- PrK.iti BMli.!, tho I:.ri;r tind liouclaoms-Ij liouclaoms-Ij ftirimfi-d I'luiiRi Ltathi for ivi find Vruilomei. nro now otn. II. ARAOH). SEW MEDICAL WORK ! ; "THE f HILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE." For the Debilitated Scrvona System. UK. JO uO AN. of the Anatomical Museum, ii'inisowery strcel (near Ualil urinal, ur-inal, ."-il l Fninui jco, California, has inib-li-ln;d lour of bid most important an i instructive in-structive Lctura- in n neat vtituuitj lor thr.-c who ua.nio; attend the Lecture? at the Museum. Mu-seum. Every L'ntu .rrie-J and Married n. :ui -fimuld read and study ihcte important y Lectures for tho good of himself aud oll- fi'li- a Mrtsnng tho Secretary of tho Anatomical Ana-tomical Museum, .m Franciico, aud cnclos- i iaK livonty-i'ivo Cents in Postaso Stamps to i ay iMftajjo, the liuok will be forwarded , to any part oT tho Staiw or Turrit ories. Dr. Jordan can ho oriiulto- by lottor. HOTELS, ETC TOWNS&NDBOQSS, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This House is corilrally and pleasantly lo-c.vud, lo-c.vud, well furnished, and has accoinuioda-tious accoinuioda-tious for 15 Buosta. TUB PROPRIETOR is now .ireparing to build lar.o additions to his Llotol, whish whoa Clashed, will render it tho Most Complete Establishment in tho ROCKY MOl'XT.UX REGION ! mil - AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE BLOCK EAST OP THEATKE, SALT i.AliU CITY. TcrmaSa.OO ,rrlny. BonTdnllli- onl rm Sl.UO iitr iveuL. Utilli. I, ,. J. C. LM'TLii, iunll Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, OS TUB EUROPEAN PLAN, BAST TEMPLE STREET, AVcst Bide. Rooms Newly Furnished 1)Y THE SINGLE NIGHT, TtEliLY OB MONTHLY, On the most reitsonnblc terms. TAYLOH & OUTLKli, Proprietors. Washington House 'A-'liirtl SoiitH htrcot, S A L. X L -V Iv VZ C I X Y Itoiu-d mill Lodging, per W'cclt SO 30 I'ny ITonril " 5 00 Vvv ch iiilns lie its " :i 0,1 i;rd-, pr SltflU - - 50 fll.nl . Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON the Kur.ipoin Vhin, is nw oven and i.- su i lii' l witli every iiolicacy o! l!ie fM-nii. M u.iU at all h.'iKS. UvMer in mry 'y!.?. Supper Parties rupplied on Trrma (oiull ttic tluii'M. tiL AUK &. UOOlJ.l X, figi Ceameraal Mm Rooms, 1 OlllllH-lC.lll Sllftl, (;iii..-it.'(,;o"iuan Liak-ry, :iit Lake City . W. T.UTAN. I'r.M.Tielnr. t, l A 1. I- N Hi HT. t" '"il lint'. !" Mk'Hi Sl..il) Hi SJ.Ull ierc'K. SUivIr Itnmna, '.Tc. t MrIiI. J. jU tu S t.j U, fie v cel.. oK UTVII 1 LOTJ0D: Main Stroel, OUUCX. v:i!y jh-it-cUss Hume i 'n: Ciy Oaiuil-m to mid from nil trim. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, CENTRAL HOUSE l.lTriiK COTTOXWOOD, ' T. 1. Fuller, Proprietor. To tho PuMic Thi-i 1iou?o i.' niw rclittci a'id open for travelers at reduce! taIo. tu- lizard and L.idK-inf. by week, Si i.nW. Me.ii,;-:j, iicld, Tjc, Mcali at all Uooii LEGAL c. a. i! .x; v. c. k. cn.cnp.:3T. 11AMV . tillX'HUIST, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAV, And Sollcltnrs In Cliancerj-( OCi-e Main Street, Salt Lako CUt, U. T. . Ci O () IJ K K, ATTJH-EY AND COU-NtiELLOK, OUcc Eichnnge and Reading Koomw, nji-faialrd. l-Ji 8 ALT LAKE CITT. CASH FOR MINES ! SKT1I IM. I5LA1R, Att-ynicy-ut-Laio and Mining Agent, oprrcB: ' Over 97 Kiml.aU'a lilwk, with C. M. Ilawlcr-1'. Ilawlcr-1'. O. Box l-.-i. dlo Wit. Y. LOV I'.LL; II A. REED. LOVKLL U REED, ATI OH XE l',S-AT-LA Tf, t-alt Lnku City, Utah, Will practice in all tho courts in tho Territory. Ter-ritory. Oiiicc. front room, Tiylor's hole'. JIT l', L. WILLIAMS. LB GRASS VOtXO ViLLIAiiiS & YOUG, A T T 0 11 N E Y S - A T - L A W , KiaLt LriUo Jily. jl2 CJEOUOE C. BATES, ATTORNEY -AT-LA W. C. PIYIIOS HAWLEY, Afornoy-at-Law, Clerk of tho Supremo Court and lcrritorial Librarian. J. V. IIASK1N3. Ollico in.Kiaiball'a blocB, near U.S. Alar-j Alar-j I L shal's otiice. WR.1. P. APPLEBY, Atloriiey-nt-Ijaw, n A VINO provided himself with suitable iilaiits, is prepared io draw up Declaratory Statements of Applicants Appli-cants lor Deeds to CUy Lota. i Office -East Temple Street, first door north of Oommerao Uuilding. dlU JOHN 13. MIL.N1SK, l A T T 0 11 N E r - A T - L A W , I'rovo City, L'tali. Collections made in the 1st and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Iistrie;s. . . Special f.tienti n given to Mining casos. Uilice at re.-Ueuec. Centre St. I'rovo LVy. WaxnerTarli. F- M. Smith. BAULL 4. SMITH, A 1 T 0 11 N E I 8 AT LAW, SALT LAKB CITY. Kasl Tcmplo Street, ono door south oi a) Godbc's Store OANIliL, S. DANA, ATTOUN 13 Y - A T -L A W, Salt Lake City, Utnli. Ollicc-wcft side of East Tcmplo Street Especial aitoutiuu tivea to aiiiiaiiii- (Late JuJb'o of itb Diilrict Court, Nevailu.1 A T T 0 11 iN 13 Y-A T-L AW, Room Ko.l.TroivhriJccBuildinK. East Temple Tem-ple btrecl, opposite tuo Sail Lako ilouso. nl . li:. HI. UAUNUfil, A T T OllNKY-AT-L A V , Uilico, Kimball's Uloek, S. L. City. Siie". il attention (,-ivcii to l:LWi, etcolia-lioiU etcolia-lioiU altsor Litib'itius i" Miuius Claims 11 ColleA'ioi wado rtr business done in "UJ" part ol t'le I mud States by AO.'iauoii ol reliable Attorncy.--. dAi. J. U. Ucmp.tcad. M. liirkpa trick HEMPSTEAD a KIUKPATRICK, Attorueys-at-LiiWj Main Street, opposite Wells. Jt'arso & Co., SALT LAKE CITY. f)-) L SSOW. E" D n0(3E SXOW S. UOtiE, Attorneys ani CauiiBelora at Law :ilt Laio City, Ulob. OOlci'tit Snow's corner, lut East Stii-et. jufi JONATHAN C. ROYLE, A T X O K N E Y - A T - L A W . Salt Lalte City, I'taU. Oflicc-Ovcr First National Bank. Koi-dence Koi-dence wi Ml Ea.u atroet, botwocu South and lat cou'.h s'.rcuti. JJ 1 I. T U 11 MANN. A.t tJiueys-at-LaWj O-iio, First South St., Fourth door ea,t of Uooper, Eldrcdgo &. Co'b iJju, Salt Lako City. io KOTftRSES PUBLIC. A. S. GOULD & SON, CONVHYANOERS, Bi Mining Dec I?. Agreements and Bonds for Deeds. MortjURcs. Powers of Attorney. Li'Lses CoutricLs and other iiidtrumenia of writini drawn with acourajy and dwpaton. j- lliLliig Coininulti Incorporated Incorpora-ted unitr tUe Lnw of Utali. and C0MM1S6I0NKR OF DEEDS for 1 Now York, M:i.uchusetts, Ponusylva- ui:i, Dili's Luinoi.s Iowa, Nebraska, i Wyomini;, Montaua, ISovada, Cilii'Tiiia, and otlior Stales and Ter-litoriis. Ter-litoriis. , 'u( St., notr Wells, Fargo ,p (.'., i' i Lihi City. i ,n VM. ClATTuS. g. J JoSASSlW, o.ury i'ui'.L-. Louveyaueor. CLAYTON & JOTiASSON 11 Y tt-iet an pulton to tho collection of uijuey in H part Ot lac W ;."id. They ,r di-iw or acknon lc !go all kin.is of in.-ira:i.en:i i w.-i'-inw. s,,r,l,vl ;it : cut I on si vert ( the driwinc 0f Will. ,,ad T,-i.imuiH.iy liocn- L,..ui. j .tia'f !. Min-s lLio-i and K il i;.'u j: kia-i bouat. fold or Inroi i,:ivntlni nnil Pari ne r nil I i 1 I'liprv. ,-ltv vUv-.:m'!i'ii dm wa in tvici an oi-.t.mi-e ivuh tbo laws of Utah- 1 01''Kl!'K-lMinrli door fcoutli ol tiodljt'r. tuner. ii'Zj 1 iOUAC;!-: 1H) I'TKlt, REAL ESTATE AGENT. Corivna'H'M ciriiil'y ilr.wvn up Tor tlio ah ""oyi-u'W-N'-! .7 Tii..t' r'.iiiih.- orrM:ti Sail Laio Ui-use, S.'H lLu " Private Hospital, f I3th Waul, Salt Lake CI I y, j W. F. ANDERSON. M.D. - Propricto litn. invariably in .idvan-e. tor B-iard, !. MedwLao anl Medical attondancc. , jlj SJ per wcei BANKERS. Thos. R. Jones. A. W. White HANKING HOUSE OF A. W. WHITE &. CO., T.AST TEMPLE STItEET. c'JJ Salt Lako City. FIRST MTIOSAL MM OF UTAH (Succenori to Ilnaaey, DaHlcr Co.) Wap-his HrsssT, C. L. Dahlkr, Pretidei.t. Vice Prost, Asthost Qodbe, Cashier. Salt Luke City, Utah ; Also connc-ctinjt oSices at Oeden an'JCorinne, Utah, and Yirtfinia niid Helena, Montana, Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin and Currency, Draw Exchange on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Umaha, Denver, San Francisco, and all parts of Europe. Collections Promptly Attended To. tuU Robert Anderson, Thos. P. Akers ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., 5S, EAST TE1LPLE STKEET, Salt Lako City. j 13 Bank of Deseret, HOOPER, LLDREDGE & Co., Corner Enat Tumple aud First South Strocta, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, PAID UP CAPITAL, - S100,000. BRIGHAM YOUNG. Picsident.l H. S. KLUKF-DGE, YicoPres, YM. II. HUUPi'.ll, W.M. JENNINUS. Directors. JOHN 5 H AUP, FE11AMOKZ LITTLE, L. S. HILLS, Cashier. J Deal in GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHASGK, li AND WAKUAXT8, COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCR.II, tfce. Collections made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE, WELLS, FARGO & GO,, Express Forwarders, Bankers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, and aU the principal prin-cipal citie of the United States. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Kail Temple St., Salt Lake City. THEO. F. TRACY. Agent, mil S25 SAVED B5y Buying' THE WILSON Lock Stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINE AT J. Dayjses & Co.'s Two doors enst of Port Office, SALT LAKE CITY. Warranted for Five Years I CALL AND SEE THEM. lime Be MEUDQN DAHCODRT, Teacher of Music and Pianist Speak? English, German and French. Ad IroM throcph P.O. Salt Lako City ilG Emerald Hill Blining Company. IOCATION of Works, Salt Lako County, j Utah Territory. Nti"o is hereby jrivon that nt a moctinc of the IJ'iird of Trii.-tcei of S 'id Company, held on tho olev-cnih day of .January, 172, nn assfs.-uiriit of twenty five cents por share was levied upon ihoCnpit.il S;ook of said - Company, payable iinuind'u'ely, in sold and silver coin, to lb- Secretary at the Utliee (if theCnmpanr, Kooui No. i-t, MerclinnlS Ks-i-hsno. California sine l, San brancisco, Any S'.ok upnn whi-'h aid .T."sr5nn'nt Fhall reuiain unpaid on MuNDAY the Nineteenth Nine-teenth day of February. lS7,hall be deemed tieiin-menl, and will be duly a U-criifed lor sale at public aueUi n, and unless payment i -hit 11 be made before, will bo J.ild on TIU'RDAV. tho K.-urJ-oi-.ta day of March. ' liT2. to pay tho deliioiacnt a."is.-mont. together to-gether with cofU of advcrtisiuB and ex-i ex-i pi n-es of the sale i I'.fordnr of the Baard of Trustucs- F. MADGE, Secretary. r Office No. il. Merchant. E.tchanc, California Califor-nia Street, ".--n t raneio Cal.foruia, j i Patronizs Horns Mustry ! XT TAH ; OSAOKEn FAOTOEY " 'TIIE under; mod are novr rrernred to 1 furni-h the trade and the public with , frcjh Ci-ckcri DAILY, B utter Crackers, toda Cracker'. Uoitoii Cracker. ,r Ginger Snaps. MORTON CO., Eaiaido JUias'.rcct. new JrJ Sooth.. GLORIOUS NEWS Fox the Ladies ! MRS. COLEBROOK Is now SELLING OFF At her New Store, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OY HATS AND BONNETS To make room for Sprinir fashions. dl5 C . Oi & 2 SS I s- l,s &i I - i ill ? Sf en 5 i 6S : ; is e j 1; CI e ' I 6 .. es 3 i e 5 la I s , i Q. it a ill f 2o,Sfl . ' I El Hi i g H 53 fc a rtl c . - J s NOW iS YOUR GHANGL FOR STOVES ! HOW IS YOUR. CHANCE FOK S T O "V 3U S Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles tc Select from, lnolndtng th. Old F&vorlt., Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., These as well as other varieties will be i SOLD CHEAPEN AT IBS Hardware Dep'nt OF I z. o. nn. i. e THAN IN ANY OTHER HOUSE d IN THIS TEKRITOBY. il '' 11. O. CLAWSOi 817 SQprial&doat, t!.crv.'pc is. .nrf ii r.l;wi Fumacsmen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. IKE 1GKTT3 FOB THK COLDKS CITY Flit K II It '. C It , Which are c-mal if not sut'crior to the b.-ft Krurlifh. l'Lt-i I r.itc-s cirrn by lv'e car Rr.l. f''- 0. E BASSETT, NEW HARDWARE STOKE A1 Yr. is of HEAVY HARD WARE, Stoves and Tin Ware DLAGKSntTIl TOOLS, Agricultural luiiileitient Aud 31 lulu. g Tool, At Loweil Rate,, OPPOSITE SALT LAKE IIOTSK n!6 LEGISLATIVE Proceedings I WHEREAS Wo arc to be deprived of our regular regu-lar allowance of Penknives ; therefore, there-fore, RESOLVED That Serisency & Co. arc selling Sloves Cheaper than auy other House in the city, for tho reason they are Closing Out. 5io. 8 Crescent Coal Stove, S32 50 " 8 Sational do. 3o 00 - " 8 Slates do. 42 50 " 9 Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove Tipc, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIH AND HARDWARE in Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargains SENSEHEY&CO Oio-titt ir. F. t Co't Office, SALT LAKE CITY II. A. ICKYES, Agent SCOTT, 01JiMIl.lI & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealer3 IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS A.N'D ALL KIN'DS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe aud all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUE3E3 PACKING AUESTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. 123 WINES A.D LIQUORS. fli. bgukcTfsky, Wholrssili' Desi.li i s IN" WINES, LIQUORS, CIGABS AND TOBACCO, Second South Street, SALT IAKi: CITY, Throe doors west of Walker Bro'-". da B.W. Allex&Co., 47 Broadway, Now "ork. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-0 ffice, S. L. Cily. Agents for Hie Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY I S. F0STF.K, Ase 111. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Eoep constantly on hand, Wholesale and Retail, Choioe Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest R.tw. GROESUKCK'8 BTILDlllQI, nlT V'-.I Tf.mili Strut. WATCHMAKERS, - - Hc4' C1KL C. AS3IUSSEN, IMPOBTElt AND DEALER IN Jewelry, "Watches, AM) DIAMONDS. Elgin Watclies AT FACTORY PRICES. Just received a larac, additional stook of 3STE-W" GOODS Id groat varioty and siylo- Tho iiublic nro rcsiiuutfully invitod to call aud iujpoL ihiiiii ui CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East TemplB Streot, Ilulf a block north of tlic Enclt -wiitpurluiu d 'JJ TiTClES-&JBVLM! O. L. ELIASON, 1 EiJS to inform tho residents of Sail Lnt.o City and vicinity, that ho doi aniy Boarantoid to proucrly K.elr,Clen nd Ailjuat Wntch-M and Chronnmettri, but b will m-Ue tboiu or any part of thoin, to order, and warrant the work. A sew furi'LY of ELUIN and S W I&S W A ICJi ICS juit rouoivod, which ho will gajtraritft us rl'nlio tirna-koeiicrii. Pnuos to defy cuiiiiotiLiun RcTflcmti-r thi adilrei. Two door. . Of III- Udfrfl IIxiiU. TIlvIE TABLE. BURLING TON ROUTE. TO 11!: t AS f N'r'RT:l A'i'J e-JU!HiAS'. So. I. PTATIuNS. CIi-kr'.' MAIL. Lcto 0-MAL!A - 4. jft ;-.. o:7Ja.iu. Arrive BURL".K(;TOT 'rta.ro.' iM'.p.ia. " Mcr.d'tu - - a.m. ;i"ift.iu. " Chic:?( 'C.U.Ag j :;.'p.m. 7;'a.ui. " I'c:iria ' " ' , 'J-jja.m. 1:7) a. in. " Irid'pIif'I.B.A-W. C:'J)p.m. V.Kjt.m, " Cincinnati - - 1 1 ; p.m. ' !:) ilid. " lognii!1'''rt I Jjij'.ti.n) li.'la.lB. T. 1- A W. . " C.'iitnlni j 2 I' a.m.1 r.:?nt. m. IT Thrf-iich Cnr? rrf.ui !i--r,uri Jtirer to C'ni''co, 1 1. j i. 'i -i :i.r, is, Ciauiiju.ti, Lyaus-,.(.r. Lyaus-,.(.r. ar.d Colnmitu?.: Connections at tbore poinU with HncB . lead-.ncto lii' Ka-t. North ;,r, i S-u;i Tii. - i. : io Ur.t. Sl.orte.t, Uulckeat nnil CJicupfil Iloiitc. h not l.e ,J c-i Tf .1. Un oLlnin TrV"U via the Iirl.r,.ion 4 Mitiyuri Itn tr Kaslruad. A.K- Tory. A LIN. C. E.PFKKTNS-(Jca E.PFKKTNS-(Jca I Xi'.l-.o: Agent, iicn'1 am-'t, ! MISCELLANEOUS. i llROUmi THE" BLOCKADE ! Teasdel & Co. Are now receiving an immense quantity of Sl'LHXDID Winter Dress Goods, Dry Goods, ltibhons, Furs and Xotions, CHRISTIYiAS GROCERIES, STAPLE AND FANCY Confectionery, Fruits and Its, BLEESSEWIA'GMCHIA'B SALESROOMS Arc now ojion and redo o with a full kb-eort kb-eort ueni in all ivlo. aohn.iw lodged by all ti bo out ol ihe bost Machiues of the day. Call and ex iminc b ore juirch ising Te3asdel & Co.'s GENTS' FURNISHING DEFT la now onon ono door aoulh of the E&sl. House. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Cai pets, Oil Cloths & Matting. Ladies will do well to exam in o our stock o SHOES, BOOTTEKS, SLIP i' ICRS, &c, iiO. Teasdel & Co., EAGLE HOUSE &;, 07 aul 03 Kill Tom pi o St.,V,'l ido. Juyti RAILR0AD A.. HOPPER Second South Street, Half 11 lock 1-a.at ll-ra liouae, SALT CITY. WAGON AKD CARRIAGE WOKK, Ot all Descriptions. BLACKS HITHIHG In all its Branche. Agents for the Fish Bros., Wagons, of Racine, Wiscon. toii'ii r.iMi.c AND CARRIAGE PAINTING A SPECIALTY ' COACH AND CARUIA01T XttlMMINO. s Horse Shoeing 1 In Stylo to Ptiit all. |