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Show LOCAL NEWS. Commercial, Salt Lake City, Em. 1. U0LD. Cuj-iDcr, IU7; scllirip, 100 Two Uusdf.ed TEAMS w:i:iied. Apply tO JJ U RA NT it C'L'TTJN'f). '2 Largest stock of clothing at Siogl Bro'e. oi0 Mortuary. Sexton's report for January: Males, 11; females, 5. Of these, adults, S; children, 11. Causes of death, as reported : Lung ! disease, 0; smallpox, 3; child-bed, 2; still-born, 2; convulsions, 2; liver com- I plaint, 1; heart disease, 1; croup, ; killed, 1. Total interments, 19. Jos. E.Taylor, Sexton. Fashionable lints at Siogel Bro's, olO I'ROf, Fowler's Lectures. Remember Re-member professor Fowler's lectures this afternoon and evening, the former on "Female Health and Beauty Kc-slorcd," Kc-slorcd," lor Jadics only; and tho latter on "Love, Courtship, and Mntri-iuony," Mntri-iuony," for ladies and gentlemen. The admission to each lecture is only thirty-five cents. Time: half-past two in tho afternoon, and half-past seven in tho evening. Oo TO the Crystal Palace, 78 Main street, for Furniture, Bedding; Crock-cry. Crock-cry. China, Class, Silverware and household house-hold goods generally. dl7 t'nNsrirTiuv, Pckofui.a, Ere. ! JlEUli.UAN'S GENUINE UOO LlV- i KK OIL. (Jar Cod Liver Oil is war- j ranted I'LtllE Is'E WEO UN DL AND ! OIL. It has stood tho test of over j twenty years' experience, and can be relied on in ovory particular. Manufactured Manu-factured by Hecieuan & Co., chemists and druggists, New York, and sold by! all druggists. s'2 (iKS-ts At i'kn riox. -lid. Harris, at Llii Litti.k Ci'iAK Si'I'okk "round the comer," kee tho be;l imported Havana Hav-ana and Lv:u.-tie. Cigars, 'tobacco and Ni-tioii!. t'emo and jude for vour-s'lv.-s. Threu dori east of l'ost Ollico. Choice Missouri APPLKS at .wholesale. Inquire of C. 11. Barratt 78 Main street. jiu Jfi no Furnishing Goods at Biegol Uro's 1 olO I ' if u its ITURE. J ust rcceivcd.at Henry Dinwoodey's, WO CAJS SKATED ICHA1KS. To bo sold very cheap for icash. j i 7 I Tiu: S if mm it (.''). i. enmpanv aro sell- ! ing their cul at 10 at llie U.U. depot, i 1 1 delivered in the main part of thoj icity. Tho best in tho market. j2o I Cutting & Co's California Canned 1 Fruits and Jellies aro the be.it in the I market. A?k your grocer for them, si) liKMEDtcs. Mr. C. W. Staynerhas ! received the "Great Unknown hair restorer," re-storer," double strength, for baldness and the restoration of the hair. The I success of this specific is established ; beyond question, being endorsed by j the many who have derived benefit I from applying it. He aLo advertises ! tho Kpigean blood purifier, a medicine j highly recommended. Sec his adver-! adver-! liicinciiK 1 L:it-7e stock of cue and Heavy boots at Si Hro'a. o24 HOTEL, ARRIVALS. Feb. I. ; TOWN SEND HOUSE. Chas F Rollins, San Francisco; M A Kilmer, Russia; Chas T Parks Boston; II W Newry; W A Bell, England; James A Graham, R M Luman, Robert Wallace, Huch Nelson, Nel-son, James Lester, British Columbia; - Seth M Blair, Iron City, U T. OGDEN DIRECTORY. Fi'rst-clau Bitsinaa House. MERCHANTS, Walker Brothers, Zlon'a Co-op. Mercantile Institution Jsmcn tlorrocki, G. Woodnmnsee, - P. AuerbncU 6i Bro. r HOTEL. r Ogdeu House, John Ualion, Proprietor. LIVERY STABLE. t D. Q. Nelson, Proprietor. nlO SILVER AND PLATED WARE Wo bare JUST RECEIVED An elegant assortment of Choice Silver and riatcd Ware, Combining Iho USKFUL OUNAMKNTAL. Also tho balance of our XMAS NOVELTIES i A 11 of which ivo offer at a , SniuM Advance on Coat. Sec Shoio Window, vya RETAIL DRY GOODS DEP'T Z. G. X. j25 II. D. Clnwflon, Supl. The Place to Buy YOUH GLAZED SASU, .BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS, For Quality and Price, Imported or Home-made, IS AT UTIMER. TAYLOR & CO'S PLANING MILL, Siish and Door Factory, One block west of Tabernacle. d!7 S CD CD -f IT S 1 LU s t : U PQ : cc J, I Li 1 1 o z: " i 5 CO 3 l'AGJE, 1IKO.& CO., Importer! uid DeaJen In LEATHER AND FINDINGS; 33 and 37 Sonth Ca&bJ street, c3i ' MISCELLANEOUS. gUTrI Arc in receipt of the new cu.:iciis of the Standard Authors Each complete in one royal octav.i vol., bound in the moil approved :ylo, a:;d at the UipreseisiiiEil Lew Price OK Cloili exna - -i.eo Libnuy Miuep - -2.7.1 We have, to select from, the r.ca ai.d ltrgcit slok ,d" SCHOOL BEWAfcDS Ever brought irito the country, embracing em-bracing tho publication of L. Pra-igA Co., T. JNoUou ti ons, American 'fraci Society, &c. Our Stock of MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consist?, in part, of O! lho latest improved styles ; O IR, Q-.A. 3ST s Of the best makcrf ; lrom Italy, France and (jei wany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeous, Concertinas, Harmonicans, Received and expected d:iily, a largo and splendid stack of MASON &. HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styles, which ice offer at Manufiu'lurers' Prices Delivered in tlrs city. j FOB $125. Fire Octavo, Double Krd, Five Slop?, (VilH, Dinpnson, .Mel. .da Flute, Tremulant, ) with two pets vibrator' throughout, one of four feet pilch and one of eight feet ; from prepared metal and riveted ilh iron, and not merely stamped out of bras. Tremulant anil Knee .Swell; Si-lf-adjulin; reed valves improved bellow?, '.-'olid black walnut case throughout, paneled front and sides, witi carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carved antes. WARRANTED IN EVKRY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, und Only $125. We respectfully solicit the pub lio to call and examine our goods Voi' tiie tSoIiflnys. 6U,UUUlfiO'i ANfl STEEL At C. IJ. tfsissctt's. Oppualt Salt Lkkt Uoum. LEGAL SUMMONS, In the District Coiirtof (he Third Jti.Hclnl District of 1 tie Tfrritory Of Utah. bait I.nkoConnty. "1 Seiloinbor Term, " (.n.iihe ami Kred- A.D. 1.S71 enck A.MitcUcll. partners, part-ners, d o i n c bufincfl under lho linn imuie and stylo of U'jdbo i Mitcholl, PInintilTe, VP. rhoinas B. Ii. SleDhouse. Uefcfiduut. The I'r,,,! f tl,c frrrttvry liah soid U reeling : To THOMAS ii. 11 STENirn-SK. Dclecdiint, Vou aro herehy rciuired to nppear in nn etion bn.ULilii niamt yi,u i.y D,n tih.,vc "inuo'i .in tbo Dirici Ciuri of the fhird Ju. u-ii.l Jii.ln.-l el (,D Torrito-y ..f UUh. nml to ni.yjvrr lho cum,.i-.t Ul.-.l Lhcrem nhin ten d.-O'" (e.-lu,i ve ul tlio il'.y at .-ervicej nher ihn Fr.i.-o j-.-u of thi--turn 111 ons if fcrri'd within thin ci.utitj-; or, if scrrcd ul t tnis cmnly, ImiI in ih -'-rict, w.llun twmly d.iv.-; ol h,.r ni-f nil I, i n rorty days-or judBiiiciit hy dHnwtt cill i.e Ukon nitmtiFt you. necordmu U iho iirayur ThofiiM 'Ii-m ihrnurht tn r.-ver the !"nia?i..'.'.lK iU.rei J' l"'H'""1 '" ml d and dcliverL"! :ii su" h i'i'tiW 'rii' liable on the -.liidny ..1 M:,y ,fl ic;her wilh let;i! Iekt-ji tln-rr-x-, p i;i tho cuuii'lbiut ou file lirreiu un-'l S(l,t' And ynn nro hrrcbv n r t s il th nt if vc ti ".ill to Bl-n;:lr n.jd (ti)'Mver lho mil c.iii tdnint a ii'.i.ro r'iuir-'.l. iho ir-l i.umih t1 (till rikcjudsHn.nl (1Fnlni yi.u . ,r :,ul uu yf SlJ'.to, wuh iLiorem as al'irtn-ml . 1. :om. t nr.i ,he Hon. J.T V, Mr;,ln Judcr, and tlm ,,j ,1,,. jM.: ) Ii inei.innr.d l.-rli.e f. rni-.f. JBF.AL. V ol Uah.thi :7tinlav ol o, i ."'thuycrol..,;.,,,,., in on sand Kiuht Iluudrtd mi-i fcovemj One. d24 Wm. S. U'AI.KKU. flerh. CENTRAL FACIFiC BAILR'D. OVKKLANO THAJftP. l''i:llIW ,...,.. , i f:t ln:ly, JA.. L-.. ry, ,.r 1 ."ttt irrrr 4'"',tu Tf.nMu ..6n Frn.. H J'..m. y , , J A " 7 " ..'tHklBNj .. f, lf('" 1 , J ' t lo " 7l-o 9mi 3,m ' b ) " " 't(( " ia"'S - ;,.., 7,,-, " j! 1- .. " llM" ..Pt-'kt-n. .' 4 m7 " "-7" :,' 1 ti pro jrMi.atiio. 2j,(,n. 7 Sr . - 10.. -L W 1J4&.ID . . . K-QU. . . . 2 IO , J : ! - WiEi,mn- 4 16 ea ,l7Xai Bin.Mont 1 at : f. t . ..Ofe-len...;; 6a-.n i V1V-IA I ir-.M j I SANFR4HCISC0 TRADE, j A. C. DIETZ k CO. j IvroRTKKS OF iPAINTS, OILS, j Varnishes and Lamps, St. 1 1'KOSt SIKKET. . rtfARTifJ&CO. i Wiesale Lismr Dealers, 1 j loS Trout Stieel, San Fmnrlico IVoiTieiors of .niLI.Kll'S KXTKA OLI1 BOI KUON Acd sele iceaL for ; I. F. C JTiS'S EXTRA O'.D 3 TUHON WHIK ES Cin-'taaily on h.-.n.i, a :UI1 aorinieRt or nil -ts.- . j Stniulnrd Brnn.U of WhUklri, I Kluc BrandUi 1 Foreign an.l D.nncititc Wlnci, ! J:S I'lilfn, CnnlUli, jfcc, THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO. I n MILLS. . PRESIPKXT. W.0.IULM08. CASUUK. c.ttMi rt.t i-p. . 3.ooo,ooi. JR.VvV DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS 1 Ureduon .11 tl.pri Yiral oitiesoflfc. J.'..TSKK3tII.(l. A o. 0OM;vi;?c!CN MERCHANTS 30-S muI JOft California St., Sku Fr,imliro, - . tMifornU. Particular atlc;itin ruid to ihrfilhns f iruumior tvarj dtuv-npuoo ol msr Jflmidwo, j ci3 SkI of Orci, c, Jto. a. J. tiiurrixii, In yl kind of ncitijico NUOKI U SALMCM AKD KEliaiNGS. 1'43 W NktiliiKini. S(rft. All kfrtifs of Dried, inokwJ and Plclrlwl T h ooutnntl)' oc bund. S. L. Siauly, Joan 8.rnnc, C, a CUpmmii Spruance, Stanley &. Co., - Successors tu H.W. I...U, A Co. and J. J. Spruanc Iniporler and tiolcsale Iler lo WINES km LIQUORS. H 10 FROST STRKKT. .'. i:vi;lUis(; a- i o., C0M3SISSI0M MERCHANTS 48 Clnj St., Sn Frnnclico, OKALKHS IN OIIKCOS PltODl'CB. Are consuinily In r Ij.i of Hi-toil Ubiui, Baoon otA, Snliuou. Ac. ' Stkrclt, of our -n nml Kiuoern manubctor Un nr on hand. MiCHiKL Ka.b. t. N. Wind. WAND, KANE 5l CO., ;'Succesaors to Hunter, H and Co.) Importers and Wholesale Dealer in IIES ID LIQUORS. Proprioto.-sot Hunter's California 757"l3.otf.t WMs.li.oy. AI8 A'intA for Josefh S. Finch'i co.obnited I. hum 1 vul RYE WHISKEY tiOT d OOH Front Si., nar Jnt kanli, SAK Fll AX CISCO. 1 in r. 'ii THE 9EEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. I , E3 - . ; w t - '.-;-:-.- fe -t TDK GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGKTA IMA) BLOOD PURIFIER. IN T'lK .Mi It HA KKVADA .M.on!i-. n, t' e W,.T,.!nr..l .--Uto o V """i"'. Kruw.- nn lint. I-iib kn...rn to lho Ir-.luir: ilk i,n nl.iluio rure fur HIIKUMA-II--M. Uulir. Kr.HHAI,(ilA. i.i..i nil I,M-e,iM I,M-e,iM in mtr mir H'rim-iiiu Imm hii pur it Ui ui tho hlodj. .Sen m-c ims nt lenirlh hronithl t-p hctit its virfm-. ., l h it j.otcni hn h tnucniu.ouiilcl Yi;Hlt SANTA, a . reparation repa-ration lor lie I'KK.M AN KN T CUltli of Hcrorutn, fjnlt Kit cum, and all Krnp. tlve and CnUntnui Dlacfiaaa. UiM'hI'ftlA. .M Mi'KI,.. Worn, ITuinors. h "li llou.U. Ujc, nn(( ?rfs: ora-ii.-ni.-ii Iroui llie ijumi ll iraoM ui mercurial 'ii-cwi-. IT'S HHUV V-JJLTBlt, It in thcrcl.ir.- f.-ul.r1j tuifUU, tor nr. ,T Iciriiilc nml r.'nl.lin, Hx a liLiiOU I'i'lii FIJ.Kaiid It KMu V AT'jK, ' JyJU 1 ,,Rl" MirrriKiis Who wi,h to hn( u ,r n- ..rruli-r!, a li.l'icl to Ihccure..' Hi ,M"( rjli h ui; if. Xi'A'S in H,,r .-hi:.!,,,,, 1 fl a ! a'f. rikI pure cure in UJiH., .IAN J'A, for overywhere, UKIHNH'fO.V, HWSTK'I'TKH O" !! 0:tl Plnrkel Ml., n Kin nf tun. SEDISGTOa, ilOSTETTER & CO. I ui i'ir' lt and Joi.berr n( FOKKIUM A.r nomicsTio IlillliS iB niE.iIIl'lLS Fine K.ttnfln! Olla, equina, Itooll, IScedi, Klowcri, Sjm (;, bklm, I'omwlii, .c, ind all oll.or t't-ni-Ji ronnecte.i with th Wholcpaleand UcUil IruK Uuniaofi. Jonitanllx in roc-rift, hy dirocl I tn porlation. of Ilnriipcn un i Aii.tic produoU. Exclusive Afitjuts for Guicksifver, Ioetc(t-r's VHjr, ir.tkf' l-l-m'';'i..n HitlT. ull'; ;: i-.i,, .cIiiihm'F, in. mil b j'jliij'jiii.rj- bjrup, Ind a'l the 1-i la Prr.prirt.nrj Mediolnei bjlh AmciiLiia aiiJ i-uiopottu. Ordcra Protuptly and Carefully Kxeoulod. iom. and 531 Market Strt iictirecti Flrnt and . Second, San Francisco, California. |