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Show JU1XT HKSOliUTlO.V. Be it resolved by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That tin election may bo held in each precinct in the several counties, at the usual places of holding eleetious, on the fit h day of February, A.i. ls72, at which time and places all legal voters vot-ers may voto for or against holding a convention to take preparatory steps for the admission of L'tah into the Union as a State; aud also may vote at such ejection for delegates to said convention, according to the following apportionment; Salt Lake county, I'j delegates; Tooele, G; Wasatch, -1; Summit 3-Utah, 3-Utah, 10; Davis, 7; Juab, J; Morgan, 2; Sanpete, 7; Cache, '.; Sevier and I'iute, 2; Bich, 1; Box Kider, 6; Millard, Mil-lard, -l; Beaver, S: Iron, 4; Washing-on, Washing-on, 1; Kane, 2; Weber, ti. Be it further resolved, that said elec-ion elec-ion may be conducted in accordance vith "an act regulating elections," ap-)roved ap-)roved Jan. 3d, 1803, as far as practicable; practi-cable; and so soon thereafter as the ;cneral abstract of the names voted for is delegates is made, the clerk of the :ounty court may officially notify each tersou so elected, which official notice hall entitle such delegate to a seat in he convention. And be it further resolved, that the aid delegates shall convene in the lty hall, Salt Lake city, on Mondav hc liHh ol hebruary, A, D., 1S72, at Ua.m., and maybe qualified by 'any ersoo authorized to admiuister oaths ud may organize by electing a presi-eut, presi-eut, secret Jiy and such other officers s they may deem necessary. The onveuUon, when organized, may rame a constitution for the now Ter-ttory Ter-ttory of Utah, with a view to its admission ad-mission into the Union as a State on 1 0 ciiual footing with the original late?; name the propid State; dene de-ne the boundaries thereof; memoria!-se memoria!-se the President aud congress of the 'mted States for its admission; and ifce such other lawful and prudent icasures as they may deem necessary jr the accomplishment of fo desirable n object, and elect and authorize dele-aUs dele-aUs whose duty it shall be to pre- 1 ?nt the constitution, memorial, and 1 1 her appropriate documents to the resident and congress of the United 1 tates, and to use their best efforts to roeure favorable action thereon. i Bo it turthor resolved. That the i MivemioQ shall submit tho coustitu- 1 on which it may frame, the names of 1 ic dele sates u may elect, and its other ubhc documents designed to be en- ' usted to said delegates, to the peo- 1 e, lor their approval or disapproval, ' t such time and places and in such lanner as it may prescribe; and if ap- rovea by the people, the delegates 1 ius cite ted shall forthwith reoatr to 1 ash;iigton, District .f Columhij, to orlorm the duties herein .specified, nd such other duties as the couven- . on uriy vu!i propnc.v d-volvv upon 1 |