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Show SAliT liAKE HKKALL) n.if b tto fi,t okid at J KIN T. .'AINK, tL L. al.uA-V, W. C. DUNliAK. KltlKAV Mi ill.NI.Sii, 1'kii. 'I, .T.'l. CHEAP ADVERTISING. Advertisements under this heading not exceeding five lines, fifty cents for each and every insertion. Each additional ad-ditional line ten cents. THI Lp3 STAND IN THE OMAHA ,.?0C"!"1--Ooldd,"'l' Uuiiains. Main e-lreet. Inquire in tho pnlnoa. 12 theatre" THIS EVENING, Engagement of tho popular youns tragedian, E. T. STETSON In the Oreat Sensation of tho ago-Cha.. ioMor immeosely rueccssful lrauia of NECK Ai NECK! Recently, performed i Nc Yrk to oicriiomng. house,, and since in the principal ortiea of the Union, and ,. noum-cd by tho Press and I'nblic the ureatcitbensation of the Day It abounds wnh Scesaiiona! iliecu. including a Public Execution on the Scaffold ! . T lie Most Startling Scrnc Ever Frcaeiiu-1 on iiie Stn-r ; The LJrand Portruiurc of aa Express Train about to be Shattered to Atoms In the Quarry. i.i, rreserredby. ' t.r.sun.- Drama ever offered to , he Public j CRUSHER FOR SALE. A No. J. Doable Actio,,, G.r -rnsUer, for .ale cheap. Arpiyt -lORKis A EVA.Vt, ' P.O.Eox.;i. Sit Lake City. XHOS. DATIES, United States Mineral Surveyor j and Civil Engineer, j jace So. U Taylor's Hotel. Sal: Laka City! VERTISEMENTS CITY LOTS! L-i "j I lurry nj ami File 5 your Slatcmcnts for Ci(y Lots. C. W. Stayner Attends to it .I 11 At (alder Uro's every day next week. I f yj;; '- -rj';'-;- l i: V-'i,'. " vf 1 d -.. ..rf-'i:".. r 'I "'-V 0! Figures Don't Lie I I 1,500 . Indies jindCj cntlcmcn would not testify 1 that this -LNHKiNlOUiS El' Alt A -1 TION hud preserved the 5 Hair from Falling Off ! f HAD ; Beautified the Hair by Making it 1 Smooth and Glossy ! liad rouiovod all f DAXJJRL'FF FROM THE HEAD ! Baldhcadcd p-rams WOULD NOT 1 DKCLAHJJ that the DOUBLE STRUNG T II hal produced from ' one to three inches of 1 Hair on a Smooth and Shiny Surface ! If it were not the cjse. r Ladies, as you value your Jloouliful Ilair, couo to. use OILS and DYES which t e y. behoirandinjuro tho health, but aa tor tho GREAT UMKNOWNI AND Take no O.SierJ For sale at Cnhler Oro's, Z. C. ?I. I. Di ns; SI ore, And most nil Druggists. Price ibr Toilet, - . $1.00. Bost for Ladies' use. Double strength, - - s-J.OO For Baldness. If You Don't Feel Well TAKE OOSTE BOTTLE OP THE All unite in ?a ing tbis is AN EXCELLENT AND VALUABLE VALUA-BLE MEDICINE FOR USE IN A FAMILY'. IT IS ALIKE GOOD Foil TUH CHILD Oil THE 1'AliENT. It earn Catarrh, Dyspepsia, it 1 1 PUHIFIES T11E ULOOD ' and 1 1 Builds Up the Wholo System, 1 F01- sale nt I Calrlir Bro't and at OgiKn Co. op. Iiiafu. !j j frice, - ot.'c. atd 1 per tonic. ! c. w. stayner 'IT Grnerttl Acdi. j ' MISCELLANEOUS. SELLING OFF! IVow is the Time to get iiai ga'nis ! 1 Our remaining stock of LADIES' FURS! Will bo sold regardless of cost. ALSO t'ANCV DRESS GOODS, LINSEYS, FLANNELS, WOOLEN GOODS, JEANS' 11OODS, NUBIAS, SCAIIFS, HOSIERY, ETC. Tooilier with u .!.ou,lid as.oi luu-ut ol ; WINTER HATS auTBOENETS AND MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kinJa, which will be sold at cost to niiiko room for a larflc stock of Spring and Summer Goods. W. B. WILKINSON'S, No. S5 East Temple Street. NEW GOODS; Out of the Blockade i z, a. nvr. i. CLOTHINS DEPART1KIENT lias recoivod a fINE LOT OF Ciissinieres, Urourtclotlis, Doeskins. A splendid assortment of CARRIAGE RUGS and HORSE BLANKETS. A great variety of CLOTHI1TG, BOOTS AND SHOES, FINE BEAVER SUITS; And UNDER CLOTHING. A lot of VERY CHEAP BLAXKBTS Blanket for .t5J. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. J23 GRAND HOTEL On Market, New Montnomory and Seoond StrooU, SAPf FRA1VCI8CO, JOHNSON & Co., Propbietors. EDDINGTOIV'S Two 1 locks loulli of the U. C.R. R, Depot, and next to Win. Jen-nliiga Jen-nliiga Tannery. The yard is k?pt cont.iiit!y supplied by eeveral Eaw-mills with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. solicits the patronage of his old friends, and by punctuality and diligence in business bopes to merit share ef public eupport. ntK fALK-la tho 15th Ward, one block and a halfwit of tho V.C.R.R. t fnall bua and hair lot, with fine orchard. , tor particulars enquire of j anc!i5 WJI. EDDINQTON. ' lumberyard! All li'iiitN ol" Lumber "oors. -windows, blinds, mouldings, shingles, laths, :rain at wholesale. r. R, JONES, )7 Half-block loath of U. C. Depot. Hun the Blockade ! GREAT REDUCTION L TIII PRICE OF LIGHT! Gooil News for those Unit like a llriilianl, t'Uia- ami Sale Llghl ! Large arrival of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.50 FOR F1VK (i.VLLOXS. For those that like COAL OIL, wo have received a Lari;o Stock, a qualities, and nt Hctluced l'riei's. Tlic Largest A.-8:rtuient of LAMP GOODS in tho Territory. w IE. REESE So CO. Sole A ionls for Tlie Dan Curt ii lr t rolrit nt Fluid 89 1st South Street, half block West ot'l'o.si Office, FLOUR! FLOUKTi r;iniilios, takers, illt tiers AitI nil t(5t is WAN'lINi; SUOULD BUV Wm . Jennings' XXX Flour TO BE HAD AT hTc Flour Warehouse on First South Street, between East and Wcsi Temple Streets, SALT LAKE CITY. No Flour genuino unless tho mouth of the sack is scaled by label "Wm. Jennings." j;j WALKER BRO'S. lW2?' O" -S0 JOHN TAYL03 & BR0 Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STREET, KEEP constant v on hnnd a choice .-i.-sor-mcnt of KB fCNCll, EStiLlS!! -ml AMERICAS Clollis, Cassimeres, VestingSjEtc, Of tho finest qualities and latest styles, which wo mako up to order in tho most foshionablo and approved manner. PATKOKAGE SOLlCITD-& aug23 Having purchased the Spriggs Coal Mine We are prrpnred to Supply thlm Justly celebrated WEBER COAL by cr load or retail. Depot at U. C. It. It. Yard. OfTlcet Exchange and Reading Itooini. BATEMAN & BUEL. Bt W. II. BIIiD, AK'ot, Coal Oil and Naptha Depot BAY & CUILMER, 83 Fast Temple Street, AO-EIsTTS FOB FOREST CITY VARNISH AND OIL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL RURALXG FLUID, Tlie Best ant! Cheapest Light Ever Offered to the Public. TUs Fluid L of much HKAVIER G1UVIT1' than any other lsumtn:ria ever offered in the market, .pproximating closely to that of the host rj.li'k.-at rj.li'k.-at COAL OIL, but yet possessing DOUBLL the ILLUMINATING ocr. It burns CLEAN WITHOUT SMOKE and do a not char the wick, rtiJi will not require attention ot'tcoer than once a week. This Fluid needs but one trial to convicc: any j crson ol it i superior a Jvac-WHOLESALE Jvac-WHOLESALE AlsTID RETAIL -A. T Who-want AGENTS in everj settlement of tho Territory, j!7 |