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Show The Wellington Mine. This mine, ticee its purchaso by the present )wncrs last fail, has been energetically levelopcd. Since (ho latter part of Dctobcr last, eighty feet of an incline ind 350 feet of levels have been run, sixty feet of the former having been thoroughly timbcicd, and ore and iee--rry out bouses and a whim for hoi-tin-; purpo-cs erected. Fivo months' supplies of every kind aro now on hand, and the mine is rapidly being put in good condition for extensive and economical wording. In preparing the mine i'or systematic working, 3,000 jacks of ore have been taken out and ieut to the smelting furnaces. Three .ons of th- ore yield a tou of bullion trorth in silver alone about $'.)00, The linking of tho main shaft will be recommenced re-commenced on Monday and steadily continued, arid as it progresses new owls will be opened. The owners of his mine and winching establishment, have incorporated iu San Francisco, ind the incorporators arc of exactly .he. class of men that we desire to see imlerlake he development of iho nine.- ol I'tah, and wo are ,clad to be ih!e to insure them that the Wciling-.un Wciling-.un is a wry valuable piece of mining iropei ty. |