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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. L'jia azy arrived in Uivcrpo d on Wcdue-d.iy. Tlie (ierinan authorities prohibit tho sale of l-'rcnch journals in Strasbourg. Stras-bourg. In cVtfw ex-cuuiptru'k-r Con- nolly's l-ond.-m' n were duly accepted ye-terday. The pul.oc d.-hi uf the U. S. wa rcdu.-d dmii. the past month by Harm 'oti Oif'-nluirg tian leeu ap-. ap-. pointed Ku--iaii mini.-ter to thn country, coun-try, c-'c: l.'alaca.y. 'fii'-ie i- iui'. link- prospect of the pa.iafe of the amnesty bill at the pre-' pre-' eiit se.-.-iou of eonre.-s. On Tuesday cv.-n'mjj, at Newark, X. ; 1 J., the J'hidelphia train ran into' the train from iiahway. Losi not stated. i The militia com mil tee in the New: ork seuate have reported a bill incor pnratin negroes into the national iruard. I'reparatioiis arc making at Constan-. Constan-. tinople to give general Sherman a rand reception. The American siiiadruii is expected there within a 1 lew day.s. A railroad accident occurred at Maueh Chunk, Pa., yesterday, by wnieh two ears were thrown from the track and five persons killed and seven ; wounded. A pally of dog lighters liom New Voik Mini I!.-,!,!- ,i:"t in Urn-ford, on edm- il.iy j i i l-I : . i. fi.hi ib.irani puals, bu! the j 10 i ice slopped the per-lorinatLce. per-lorinatLce. James Fi.-k's will has been admitted to probate, and his estate is sworn to as not worth over $l,Un,OU0. His widow is sole executive, Mrs. Jordan retiring as eo legatee. At Austin, Texas, on Wednesday, indictments were found by the graud jury against tho secretary of State, Neweomb, and the attorney-general, Alexander. They are charged, among other things, with giving Clark a certificate cer-tificate of election as a member of congress when (biddings, his opponent, was elected by G.0U0 mujority. At the custom-house investigation yesterday, Mr. Kogcra testified that weighor Thompson returned the weight of tho coal of his firm in excess of actual ac-tual weight because he refused to givo Thompson certain coal that he desired. John C Hopper testified as to abuses in the examination of foreign baggage, and said tho government lost 8100,000 per annum because of them, |