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Show GENERAL. The National Belli. "Washington, 1. The debt statement shows a deereaso since March 1st, 1871 of $S2,oftJ,8'.i7. Ualanco in the treasury February 1st, coin, 8103,371,730: currency, cur-rency, $12,810,271. Terrible Itallcond Accident. ScrantOD, Pa. 1. There was a terrible terri-ble accident to-day on tho Lehigh Valley Val-ley K. K. near Kockport. As the Buffalo express train waa noaring thero a rail broko, throwing tho train over an embankment em-bankment about thirty fed high, wrecking wreck-ing tho cars, which waa sot on'llroby the stoves. Four passengers wero instantly killed, four more have sinco died, and some eighteen others aro more or less wounded. Among tho killed was tho ' wife of Prof. Lewis Pratarius,of Wilkes- ' barre; and judge Danna, law justice of Luzerne county, had his arm and shoulder broken. Judge McKcoa'i Decision. "Washington, I. Telegrams from . Mormons and Gentiles of Salt Lako, among the latter many ol the most pro-minont pro-minont citizens wore received by the attorney at-torney general to-day, condemning tho decision of judge McKoan in not admitting ad-mitting Brighain Young and other in- , dieted Mormons to bail, and from the federal otficora there endorsing the judge's decision. "Washington Intelligence. Washington, . The reported doci.-:- ', ion in the case of Abbott vs. Van Ness by the olection committee, was premature, prema-ture, that committee not having held any meeting. The liousu committeo on foreign af- ' fairs had tho fishery question up to-dav, and will call the secretaries of tho stiUc I and treasury before them, to givo their views. Tho President has appointed Frederick Freder-ick McCrcllish, of San Francisco, one : of tho board visitors of West Point academy, for 1S72. Governor Campbell, of "Wyoming Territory, waa married this evening, to Misi Isabella Crune Winderly, in Grace church. W. T. Col lin. TJ. S. pension agent, ! for the district of Columbia, is discov- : ercd to bo a defaulter to the amount of 1 about SI, COO; he has resigned. ! Tho secretary of war has rccom- mended congress to mako a spocial ap- i propnation of 8100,000 to continue the ' armament of certain Southern forts. 1 Inspector-general Jamei A. ilardie ' reports that ho succeeded in replacing , nearly all the evidence collected in support sup-port of tho Montana Indian war claim-and claim-and which was destroyed in the Chi- -cago lire. Tho amount covers half a million, and it is expected that tbo appropriation ap-propriation -will be made during the , |