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Show Terrible M nrdcr. Chicago. 1. A terrible murder near Dwigiit, Ills., of January -'d, came tc iijhi vi-sierdav, and tiu murdorcr was arrested. Tue vi.-tim was A. V. Pern-dilz, Pern-dilz, said to be a Gerc:an nobleman, who lived near that yiaee, and tho murderer i was a (ierman employe of his. After tho murder, which was committed with a monkey wrench, the body was buried in a heap of manure. lie took the horse, wag-m, personal effects, and dress of his vic::m and c;t:iiO to this city, where he was arrested and taken back to-day. lie lias confessed '.hat he assumed as-sumed his victim's name and clothing, and his personal appearance as much as " possible. Xcw York Xtw. ' New York, 1. Before liie cmeros-1 cmeros-1 sional committee to-dav, Bixby s'ated that the whole pr.-:i:.I tho North river general order bu.-ities; was $-'"-O.Oir to STi.OOU annually. Hi; rcvauoii: with ' Leet were friendly. The trustees oV the M arket Savings bank have agreed to oiler a reward of 8,bO0 for the arrest of Conklin. |