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Show West Bountiful i The Dan Mitchells, the Max Popes, the Milt Parks, the Howard Mills, Holly Higbee, Ed Hartman, Wayne Hamilton, Hamil-ton, Ralph Crawley, John Lewis, Dorothy Earl, Earl Spackman and Dorothy Pottery Pot-tery were among those employees of Phillips Petroleum Pe-troleum Co. who attended a retiring employees' two day seminary during this week. M.E. Melvin Neill, benefit coordinator from Bartlesville, was the visiting official. Also in attendance were: The Max Kendells of marketing market-ing in Salt Lake City; George Sullivan and Theo Green, from Asphalt Sales and Paul English and his wife and Otto Rolls and his wife from Geo Thermal Division. The employees are thankful for long-time planning with employees' benefits and thrift plans. Sam Allman, Ruth Lee, Roma Hansen, Wanda Bond, Alice and Dan Mitchell and Mary Watts all attended a birthday luncheon last Wednesday Wed-nesday at noon at the Red Flame Restaurant. They honored November birthday people, Mary and Roma, and discussed some of their problems with fun with the Bountiful West Stake Spanish Extraction Program. Best wishes to Vera and Legrand Olsen on the arrival of their new baby. They now have four boys and one girl. Ronald Broderick visited with his neighbor, Bob Freestone, and was grateful to find that the operation on his knee is progressing quite satisfactorily. The specialist who installed the new lv kneecap was Dr sZ a nephew of pL1?!, Samuelson. ' arece The MIA girls f ti . Ward are havi ', hne" i"g Project. ThlyV pizza. filing There will be ,,. , Society in the Fifth " week because o iff mg This will include s h'ght Wednesday 1 Society. y Rel The Fifth Ward Chr party will be held Da uK Ruth Lee and fam.'i. Wend,. SharoY&S family and friends members of the Dan M family and friend? game of the Utah i basketball joyed seeing the profess,;' Play, but wished than professionals would sh! more enthusiasm as played. " |