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Show J Cetera lie wa Comi Molds BjGARYR. BLODGETT NTERVILLE - The 1 .Mile Citv Council Z ' i a five-lot sub-accepted sub-accepted bids for the ' i two old, surplus 'les, took a canvass of 1C Irom the general elec- and discussed other without action at a brief council meeting last liJay nigM- THERE WERE no major " es in the results of the .( canvass as incumbent Dale W. Ford picked up two votes and maintained a 12-vote 12-vote edge over fourth-place candidate Richard Williams Each candidate gained two votes via absentee ballots and the official tally reads Mr Ford, 756, and Mr. Williams 744 "THUS, WITH a 12-vote spread between the two candidates can-didates there will be no reason for a ballot-by-ballot count," said Mayor Golden Allen. "Had the vote difference been seven or less (one vote for each voting district), dis-trict), there would have been a recount." Kenneth Holman, the top vote-getter gained two votes for a total of 834; Kenneth Knowles dropped a vote to 799; while Blaine Carr and Hazel Berger remained the same at 728 and 711 respectively. respec-tively. EIGHT WRITE-in votes were tallied in the final vote count, it was explained. There was quite a bit of discussion before the council decided to approve the only two bids received for purchase of two old, city-owned city-owned vehicles that had been publicly advertised for sale. THE VEHICLES - a 1972 Dodge pickup and a 1974 auto used by the police department were bought by two city employees for $75 each. Mayor Allen said he was concerned that the city (officials) (of-ficials) might be publicly criticized cri-ticized for selling the vehicles at such a low cost but felt that the sale had been advertised in the "Clipper" for "all the public to see." COUNCILMAN Duane Price agreed and noted that both vehicles need extensive repair work, costing several hundred dollars, unless the buyer does a lot of work himself. him-self. It was explained that the Dodge pickup had been purchased from the State four years ago for $500 and that the police department put on more than 125,000 miles on the police car. Neither vehicle is in good running condition and otherwise would have been sold as junk. FINAL APPROVAL was given to the Rockwood Gardens Gar-dens Subdivision, a five-lot development at the top of Aspen As-pen Way, 825 North 600 East. Don Milligan, developer, said final arrangements for paying pay-ing bonding costs and fees as well as minor changes in the plat design have been completed. Approval of the plat, with the few changes, was given earlier by the Centerville Planning Commission. OTHER ITEMS discussed without council action included includ-ed plans for a half-million gallon culinary water storage tank to serve the north part of the city. Also planned for the future is a 1.5 million gallon irrigation storage reservoir in the same area. "When people say we are not planning for the future, they are wrong," said Mayor Allen. "We are looking to the future in everything that we do." KENNER KILLPACK, city administrator, told the council coun-cil that the city was able to purchase Weber Basin water for the new city park on the Smoot Property just before the close of sale of new water by the district. He also noted that the city's culinary water supply from Weber Basin is about deplet- ed and plans are being made to hook onto a well at 1450 North 50 East to supplement the city's water supply. THE CITY council also heard a progress report from Dave Hansen of Ideal Ready-Mix Ready-Mix who said that his company com-pany would like to expand its facilities near 1300 West Parrish Lane into a full-service operation. "But we need a little time to do this," he told the council. coun-cil. "We can't begin until there's a reduction in interest rates and money is not so tight. If we can begin within a year, we'll be completed by the fall of 1981." IN OTHER action, Mayor Allen commended the city's water department personnel for their fast action in controlling con-trolling a break in a 6-inch water main early Sunday morning at the top of Porter Lane. |