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Show Livestock Producer Attends Confab Lehl Jones of Cedar City, president presi-dent of the Wool Marketing Association, As-sociation, was among a group of more than 20 livestock men who participated In a special conference confer-ence on problems of the industry Jast Saturday in Salt Lake Cityx The conference, caller by Sen? Wallace F. Bennett, was devoted to a consideration of teasons for the present price situation in livestock, and of suggestions for improving the situation. "I have faith in government help as a solution for this particular par-ticular situation," Mr. Jones told the group. "I think that we are going to have to find our own solution." The Saturday conference grew out of discussions Sen. Bennett had last week In Chicago with officials of the nation's leading meat packing companies and leaders of the American Meat Institute. In-stitute. At that time, Sen. Bennett Ben-nett pointed out the marketing prolVcms of livestock men in Utah, and asked that the Institute Insti-tute send a representative to meet with Utah producers to consider con-sider all aspects of the problem. As a result of the discussion, the Institute sent out Wick Stephens Ste-phens of San Francisco, to meet with Sen. Bennett and representative represen-tative Utah livestock men. Pointing out that total meat production in the United States it at an all-time high, Mr. Stephens Ste-phens said, "The bright spot in the picture Is that this meat is moving into consumption, instead of .. piling . up . in . storage." Trie American people, he said, are using more meat per capita than at any time since 1908 a total of 160 pounds. Answering complaints that im-portatlon im-portatlon of Mexican cattle is hurting livestock men in this area, Mr. Stephens pointed out that the number of cattle imported import-ed is less than one por cent of the total slaughter, and 85 per cent of them were shipped east when finished and did not come Into competition with cattle sent to Western markets. The movement of the pork supply sup-ply into consumption Is of vital importance to the beef producer, and the industry is now spending a million dollars In promotion to this end, he disclosed. Pointing out that "there is obviously ob-viously no quick and easy solution solu-tion to this problem," Son Bennett Ben-nett told members of the group that their problems and their recommendations rec-ommendations would be present, ed to the Department of Agriculture Agricul-ture for careful study. |