Show hi JEFF davs TO KI iti colored ot 0 lo 10 JeI Terion davis when the latter was president 0 ahe confederacy and partakes in a high degree of the love and ile vellon which ia felt hy many of the their former masters jonca was proud to serve advia during the years aheu lie was aad in lift distress did cot forsake him they acro together when ilie rebel president mas captured in georgia at ilie celoso ol 01 the war and alio servant indignantly denies that ills master was disguised in womans comans clothing he tool great risk in trying to effect an escape for the distinguished prisoner and these attempts all failing fail he shared liis captivity in fortress monroe since then master and man have never met but each holiday aea there is a warm exchange of correspondence llxie davis last aelter dated misa dec choa that alie ex leader has a deose of gratitude and a warmth of feeling which ho ia not alwa s given credit for the note reads as follows 1 I vaa very alad to receive your letter with its assurance tit lind re and it gave pleasure not only to me but also to my daug liter who was an infant alien ou last saw her mryt davia yon ihnow waa also your particular friend we liao all rejoiced w lien we have bieard of your honorable and hao felt that it waa what was due to our integrity and fidelity I 1 he many ears have come and gone since we parted have in no wise diminished my regard for ou and interest in your welfare on christinas day I 1 mailed to you the last photograph taken of me in order that yon might see me as I 1 now am with the best wishes of myself mrs davis and all mr I 1 am truly bour friend DAVIS |