Show ahli alt jq caffo mm 8 R cloger and his brother left their hornea near batting alch about four years no and went tu breckenridge col inhere alicy iu a stamp null rot of two claim the iron mask and the and worked them during spare hours putting considerable time and money into them rhe claims had been worked previously for ix years by an old miner who failed to faud paying ore cluger recently put a man in alio lower one aad went to work in wa than alter digging about two fact he elrock ald and silver bearing of hilyer eaid to be the most valuable and easily worked iu that state ahe vein wag followed to the cc when it was found that all the previous years work had been teen inches of tho vein the lingers brothers have been onerea for the two mines but want williau a week after this find 0 men were on the establishing claims but the rogers had secured many of the roost desirable |