Show ualle ahl liibs CITY jan EDITOR tiie though but seldom in lie columns 0 THE yra caiti are not dead nor bleeding bleeping Ble but aro still found in the land of tho with the opening of the new year e find our palli oj ii nire our lity ia aloalo but surely improving in appearance and its population ia increasing our und citizens generally are actuated by a spirit of enterprise and thrift which lias ft tendency to perpetuate a for beace and prosperity our schools are running in order nith good alten dantO and both abe district schools and academy and aro producing ery satisfactory is and encouraging reaal tn in alie way of amusements amuso ments we leavo been somewhat cramped buriok lie present season hie lalk of a building in to hold to obviate this to some extent the loner room of the large woollen jai tory lias been fitted up for parties and of various kinds the first of these was a grand dress gien evening the alcait was rotten ap under the management of air B M young there waa a larsa number present there were eighty four numbers eold for the ball and quite a number 0 spectators were present costumes bad been engaged from salt lake and were both elegant and elaborate some ot the principal features and characters personated persona ted being as follows duke eranzo mr E 21 beirce mock dule H E bowring duke of I 1 A II 11 mrs E II 11 peirce from alie honeymoon the above lady and gentlemen performed one acene from tho above play which was highly appreciated by the large gathering mr ii 0 peirce impersonated untie aam which attracted macli attention and admiration mr B M young was attired as the grand macado and produced mush then were clowns by ruben Wright andS cardweel Cald weel julns by john booth a colored gentleman by our city barber me berg and quite a large number of other comic and historic characters represented the ladies were equal to the genalo men in their impersonations among the roost attractive of whom were mrs media B young columbia misel alice forsgren female dude mrs J snow games others aa eun flowers aces of spades etc prominent among the spectators were noticed apostle L snow prest audger clawson judge 8 smith judge J D peters bishop alvin nichols jens hansen and a large number of others the ball of last evening was the finest affair of the kind ever held in brigham city we have had several caes of alto in our police court of more or less importance the last of which was a suit to recover possession of a aliat liat that waa taken by mistake at a dance a a few evenings ago this case is not settled yet it is rumored thai a man hanged himself at mantua yesterday the coroner has gone up to hold an inquest to day the name of the deceased lias not come to our ears at present JB first emrict coat the elret district court at ogilee opened esterday jan at lo 10 a m judge presiding wm west and win marshall who were arrested some time ago on the of Bt ealing a horse near aart dise auche county ral who had been brought up from the penitentiary viero arraigned on the charge of araud larceny and pleaded not guilty they were renu oded back to the penitentiary to await trial joseph raymond who had pleaded guilty to the charges of forgery on two was arraigned for sentence lie had just finished a term of three years in tho penitentiary for bleating a horse luxl buggy and bad now laid himself liable to another long term after giving a ebern lecture to man for thus starting out wrongfully in life the ourt sentenced him to three gears imprisonment on alie birst and suspended tho sentence on lie second until the former had been served the case of J W max field vs joa west et al as resumed and occupied the remainder of the day in this case plaintiff sues for alie ubah vinegar the amount for which they bere sold claiming that n lien air debt sold it to air kiesel lie did so as plaintiffs agent defendant on the other hand claims the ownership of the property at alie time of the sale and since then mr kiebel has sold the property to ilessie iless re lundy A ker defendant yesterday yett erday moved for a nonsuit non suit arguments on this motion were not concluded until 6 p in when tho court took the matter under advisement complicated nature of the case no decision will be riven until at the floso of this week mrs E hendrickson again appeared in court as it was understood that the judge would give her a bearing on lier claim of privilege the court asked her if aha was ready to answer the question propounded by the grand jury abe answered in the negative upon the court asked w liy she appeared in court again she replied that she understood the court had promised to hear her case this atio court stated it could not do without alie grand jury being present she assented to the last proposition and alie grand jury was sent for it was learned that they had adjourned so the court remanded her mijail in tho caw ot alie 0 P R R vs oliver G suit to replevin rolling stock by defendant for the payment of taxes juico bowers moved to guash the writ as die taxes ere jast and must be paid mr L it chase was allowed kiino to hunt up authorities and the case rested court adjourned until monday at 10 am |