Show ali manly idler aal alit washington jan 11 in april atio president appointed win A vincent chief justice 0 alia ferrii tory of new mexico and in 0 lie same car lio was removed the judge came to washington lie learned the stireo liim was the appointment of stephen W to be jury alie amle broto a long letter to the prebi ident of the injustice ilone lintn and alid latter haa now lalan action in the inter int tr aa tho tin I 1 joined v show j joannos washington jan y 1889 son W A I 1 PEAR SIB I 1 lave always eaid to your friends a well to you that roar removal broin the office of judge or the territory ol 01 new mexico did not imply ny charge or conviction of in the capacity of judicial misconduct in tho condition of affairs at that time I 1 deemed it ray adny to promptly pursue a course so unfortunate for you and which was adopted by me upon a mere showing of fact aliened without inquiry as to our motives and purposes sly action was unfairly harsh but I 1 thought it was justi hed often since that time as all the facts attending have become known to me and as I 1 reflected upon our other liaa official career ao far us it has come to my knowl ede I 1 have been impressed by ho representations of your friends 1 bat your demov il has subjected you to a suspicion which waar unjust and unwarranted so far as I 1 am concerned all that has passed I 1 am at this time willing to express my confidence in your ability and uprightness there is now alie chief 01 montana so far as regarda your I 1 be entirely aeo i ou in that place I 1 w rile to ask ou therefore whether in case I 1 should think it well to do BO I 1 am at liberty to submit our name to the senate tor that olace I 1 make this proposition with reservation for reasons not in the least connected with your personal and I 1 shall be glad to know your views upon the subject as eloa aa possible yours truly CLEVELAND to this vincent today to day replied as follows jan 11 SIB your letter of the dinst tendering me tho position ot chief justice of the supreme court ot montana reached me day before yesterday ind ills received luy careful consideration I 1 am grateful for this expression of your confidence and and accept the tender of this import int oll ficq as a coin vindication of my course while chief justice of the court of new mexico the act for which you removed roe was taken in the exer tiso of discretion actor the deh bera t ion was dictated by tho purest and beat of motives and owing to thal un fortinata condition of in colfax bounty at that lime was aa absolute in order to restore peace and good order the result justified my method of attaining that end and proved it to have been the best and only one that could have been adopted and I 1 baie always believed when you properly understood alie matter yen would treat me in tho manly and generous manner suggested in your communication to me I 1 am reluctantly constrained to refuse the uso of mv name for the in monta na for alio reason that could not without the greatest sac abam Joi my rac tice and bolher in now mexico where I 1 have for buea years aad expect to remain permanently very respectfully signed WM A mannon kni afi at 10 this morning the mangaoil mang loil remains ol 01 fourteen persons were taken from abe ruins of buildings i wrecked in wednesdays betorin more are known to be baill buried under abe dearig and eix others ore inia sint out of the injured three have died bince their removal to the and four others are in the 32 are mell durion the night ile bodies of diaries and two unknown workmen were recovered and at abe reca aina of the venerable dr iteen were aund lr heed wa years old and a prominent resident of allegheny city at icib ItEA DiNd Ie Doa jan onoro badiea have been found in the ruins of alio bilk mill it is believed all have been recovered several reported yesterday aa killed have been alfo following i abo corrected aliat liat u dead labina nistor jolin keber eva leeds taura kershiner Ker sliner sullie banier tillie grow ilary 1 itzpatrick ballia fandt 8 crocker balliu r lla tillie 1 barbara A Sell liemer sarah willani Wl lani isumer V Wink lemana ia be R B avar jn 11 A fort whyte where tho portage exten bion of the N P road crossed tho ca aidian Paci lias been elle at ant ip bay by alie canadian road tho men who yesterday tore down the barricade cleared away the dead enrina and other thus alie railroad war and pv ang a complete victory the ST jan 11 T arnae alie roan who ahot ward mcmanus the st louis capitalist yesterday committed suicide athla afternoon in a cheap house krube waa probably of ills failure to secure the money with which to push ills car motor assi jan 11 at the sparring exhibition hibi tion last night kilrain and mil hell rotten eggs were thrown at the from the gallery jan ll 11 abe koyal col iiga fat 21 li 2 a resolution dr Mac Lenzia for publishing liia book on the caso of the late emperor frederick ToBo sTOJan ll wm oconnor OO onnor liaa challenge to row three niiles lor thousand dol birg a bide at san francisco about march lt |