Show P ila doph ia 7 icy raph A tramp named laj just boua condemned at blobs for alie murder of an eliom he on alie lie attacked and blabbed lier repeatedly after throwing lier into a pool chile elio na fitall jiving airet tailing from liar her savings amounting to sixty tents the peculiarity of the cage lies in lie eid enco that convicted the murderer on the bank 0 the pond near tha spot chero the corpse was discovered thero was found a largo piece of bread aba end t a loaf V etli a singular bulgo at one side one 0 the testified that on be morning of the day the crime wag committed had come to her house to bes for something to eat filio lavo him a glass of pt quette and a hunch of bread lie drank the wine and put the bread in the breast 0 his mouse saying lio would eat it later the loaf bho had cut it from v as home baked ono of tho bricks in the floor if her each batch loaves there flaa one with a protuberance marking the eito of the missing brick it was thia protuberance tu that enabled her to identify the bread found near the body with tho dieca ahe bad ho was forthwith found guilty and condemned to death sirs esther 0 of lo 10 gaii atho yesterday committed for contempt as taken down to tho pen last evening she was accompanied by her brother geo 0 |