Show THE A from ali arl jan 11 ail vices from the interior bay aliat in king of uganda plotted to destroy uis entire body guird hid in 1 elliou boici to ahnin lon thein on an malanij in lake N tanza where they would to abe aurda ahu liaa been of ibe kings intentions intent iona revised to enter alio llio liichi w ere to convey usein to tha island but returned to alie capital aej an atuck oa Nwan iid balaco aliu king lied to the fury ol 01 the granja nod ins brodber kielawa vaa enthroned la ilia elead appointed christians to abe thia enraged the araba who ibur derd many christian and replaced with the arabs barned the english and french citations and killed many converts tj christianity the boat eleanor in liali borne persons who had been converted by the arenth missionaries inglus by a hippopotamus and eunk and ave conver ln abany letters for emm isey and henry M stanley were destroyed des troied by the burning of the missionary stations the reached a depot is safe A prisoner almagu has appealed to the arabs leave written to ary mckay exulting in their triumph and prophesying the extinction ot all mission stations in central africa in revenge for En glands antislavery anti slavery policy aliey leavo proclaimed uganda a kingdom la MADRID jan 12 the vessel wrecked ott coranna corunna wag tho steamer priam bound from liverpool to it now beema that only four women tho ships burgeon and tour of tho crew were drowned Sn kill chink jan 12 the rumor that the will appoldt a BUU to lord to the united states after tho inauguration 0 president Pre eident is tf our snata jan 12 diplomatic here are agitated over the and a loe elble rupture between germany and america ia being can |