Show short session of hie supreme court mrs hendrickson released on habeas corpus WRECK OF ain surane to elder F L n m MM for tk et la alth so of ati TUE Sll REME coart the registration cases llala aai corpus granted in the contempt casc the supreme court met at 1 pm yesterday clinef justice sandford and associate Just icea boreman and henderdon Hende raon were present Judge Judd has not returned ironi Tenne ebee official announcement was made by alie cleef justice of the deatle of col K T sprague derk of alie court and li retted an official entry to be made thereof WJ blaike clerk of alie third dia tritt court tta temporary clerk of the court until a bjerk ia appointed tho capere which have been left and tiled clr clarke atie district clerk since bol ileith by order of hie chief justice fero approved aa cled the court appointed of live of tho attorneys to exin inu all applicants lor to tha bar during this year the calendar n as colled and 11 few cases pet or lieari UK but of judge budde it will iw eible to bear any appeals judges dB rier sons courts cotil bodge judd returns when the case of john watson against georgo L carcy corcy was called C richards attorney for sir bat en the appell not called the on of court to the import anco to the of and kotlier cities in the territory ot an and of this cabe and asked abat it rw set for as early a data aa possible alie judges conferred together and the canil justice announced that the case would be niven an diale hearing after jude judda return alie cage of alaya vs corey was next called and tho court announced that the and alaya basea would be heard together in the case of mra K C hendrick wan committed for contempt from judge court a cormui was granted surprise siR pRisE 01 F A mm lie icam in a few daa for the A grand picnic and farewell surprise surp was kivert in the fifth ward oe meeting house under the of bishop T J Sl ovens in honor of elder V A brown alio leaves in a day or tao tor a mission to holland alder brown waa invited over and upon hla arrival astounded to learn allt tho whole dem was a token of honor to all the people had brought picnic with them and soon after eight oie tables which from one end of the fatge ball to the oilier were loaded down with products brouil it by the good people then the feast was partaker partaken par taken of in a happy buerry atle the people deserving aa roach credit for 0 the food as for preparing it it was done as though all of were in that jine abo value of the picnic was greatly eu by the sweet music rendered by the ogdan who had stolen up and tendered the ahola aa jenuine a alipy had lender cd elder drown hii B c over what should come more natural than boba and john crawford bang auld baoe ryde and was followed follo ned by professor fowler and chorus with alard times come again no boore elder P A the recipient of ania surprise emoke tor some lime tin the growth of ogden liis younger daya his acceptance accept anLe of alie gospel and lila to proclaim it as he had now been called to do he asked lor uie teat of his brethren and sisters and the spirit of the lord labarr an original baw W burlon a bosom friend of lader read by mra nellie and waa unis by charlea kent Aio atlo who wag present emoke encouragingly for a little while niter which the vere closed by flinging and benedic tion olf for hie east mra emily 8 left for the kaat aoudad night ahtie a diw pres of alio national association ut woman fur utah territory bifid baj elected at the recently formed in salt lake M dele oate to the national convention to ho at washington jan alst vad nd she carried with her a peti asking that this organization be and adopted a part of tho national AB the petition as do yards long aa edice smashed sunday rooming at 10 the P it 0 engine no 20 was derailed and badly near judae mal dlemons farm lost north of tho t II 11 0 freight depot it being a ditched itched around when upon ap hang a switch the switchman appeared to become rallied and threw it aide open down plunged the engine into a pond 01 water smashing to splinters alt the work e the the iwa a total wreck the was crushed the failings railings rai lings and all ex tailor appliances were more or lea ilam the annine proper a not materially injured A small on lie badly do As fortune would have it no oio aio as luit mr D A 1 0 agent here vaa with the U as anybody HP liae taken it the any a patient who lias fiut hail a polled for his yes there worn a few killed in alie pond in the afternoon a arrild arr iod the engine was lifted out of il batery bed and taken to salt lalo city fur repairs solica band alio members of alio ogden city brass band will please meet at the hall at 5 p ro sharp la fatiguso A prompt attend 1 ance is urgently asked VM conductor first district foert hut a brief of hie district court was bield yesterday jan ath judge Hender aou had to leave for salof lake city to attend the supreme court the lol lowing busio esa as transacted in the case of catherine R toland vs geo L corey et al the demur to the rosa waa sustained in the caso of james A cabert ii joesph T joanson JoL the motion or 1 new trial n as denied in the rase ol 01 patrick II 11 towey vs E M allison the demurrer HIM over and twenty dis given to answer in ilia case ot john seaman vs THE STANDARD an order was entered overruling lie lie and ten das gien ir which to file an answer in alio rase of jameal Hii isell vs V II 11 0 scilva an order hiis entered staving edio for ten days the accounts 0 frank II 11 ajor U S marshal aej J 1 hills conr ini at froio vero approved app court adjourned until jan m concert at postponed last evenio mr F L von left for lake city to secure alie services af prof II 11 S ulo cites eminent i auit at alie i bounin concert in the opera house thursday jan there appears to be boine arof au meyer liavine enado up his mind dyt to play that eenink oa this account the bus gained on lie streets aliat alie concert haa iwen indefinitely sir to fatata that eccli a rumor or impression is erroneous for alie concert v ill given as tier previous announcement in order that the public may not be disappointed mr j elsion elsi oi has made his visit to salt lake the concert promises to be a affair oien though at thero appears to be a little momentary hitch good arll A good flowice well lias licen struck on mr joshua lae in plain city a day or tw 0 aidi A number ol 01 the citizens of lut place hae driven down to a depth 0 rom 60 to feet without finding water and have seriously bekin of rivine up and pulling out the pipe alio llio following may be of interest and may them to continue after driving a depth of feet lift struck a buur inch now of salt nater dunn 14 feet furt lier he readied a 15 feet in alter leaving pissed bod 5 feet in all feet lie struck a how of good water lie haa used a one and a halt inch pipe the water flows six and a halt inches above the hiie this is aerts to tho people of that vicinity the six day raw last evening a number of the fast pedestrians who have been engaging la the go as you aleane wix day walking matches in alio lat passed through for san francisco they will thera attend another match to lost til days beginning Feb alet following are the names residences and records ol 01 who came in rum alie artst and left last evening for alie west bobby vint of new york best record miles E C cuore of finla nilles tool llo arti of longland record miles frank lart t d 0 record miles and james albert of england record miles air frank hall is manager of alio party alie match will bi heid at mechanics aja francisco Frani isco nice coart kissli arrested for petit lai cany waa tried yesterday ho va convicted dot only 0 a pair from ashbes ashbys Ash bys but also of gt ealine a pair of leng from alio knitting factory lie VM fined aej committed the feea hairy amount about libin A bumler of men who had been creating and the beace and wll have a bearing w wednesday A modern a reporter of THIS arami alii attended an exhibition of washing at alio broom hotel laundry alie new kra BBS chine usa 1 and it did alls work tt ell in a few twelve laro washed ribbed blued abd on the lino ai clean as any rub tin c alj the vero not even bed though boil ing water was used in the wash it is said that the dirt leat arti clea that can possibly be cleansed by rubbing can be by this in fifteen and several at alio time J all that ia claimed for athla fg true and the exhibition ot yesterday would warrant one to believe it it will revolutionize lut ionize the hitherto arduous labor of the machine a li consists of a cylinder live indies hiah a diameter fai about ahrea and a halt inched to this is fastened a rod with a naring aud this is corked up and dan in ilia cylinder producing a braction athla inah lne is placed over thal clothes and below the water and alie viator ia arisen through and bulked back through lie clot liet thoroughly cleansing them alie whole h tarco reel long and leighs neighs but four pounds arh ali territorial agen tand frank green our townsman town lias secured tue agency thu work ing of the machine is worth onea trouble ol 01 attending an exhibition |