Show toiny IVIK n ansis kiihl act t anil lull citi ian abe cililla ailed OBI 1 OPERA Kuna fl jan 12 nor lartin received u li tins afternoon from alm mayor of naaron gray county dialing that u force tf from inga in libil to remove by force the records of the county from alie temporary county feat and eliat a hail occurred in which several men were killed governor ordered meters ot the second 0 the kansas dihlia at lo 10 proceed ut to the berne wih a broo tr oo SIT bouis jan 12 A special from wichita acas givia n account 0 a affair at kaa in to or three were filkil and there lias fora year rast been a flat between alio llio and Iu galli alie conaty officers excepting cleric and surveyor leave been at Ingall fl for nearly a year at the recent election air watson an n gallaman gal liman clerk but the comini refused to canvass ane botn until the court is an order for them to do so last monday this morning several deputy went to nimai ron to wathon clerk elett in hii ollice and to demoe the county recoula to invalid when aliey ceru fired on by a mob of from to SOO the ahola were returned with a vengeance aud alen the firing ceased it was found that J N and J bliss two prominent Lit izena of cimarron ere killed and quite a number wounded george W isaida deputy vi aa shot in alie lei and lemuel 1 reeks and C two other flesh wounds in the arm and licad alio people became infuriated over clr lilling of two leadin citizens and charged in a tody upon alie brick building in which watson and alie wounded deputies had taken refuge at last accounts firing wan going on at between the besieged and besiegers alie latter bouso corners and other places for shelter if watson and alio deputies fall into alie of alie cimarron people they will be and their only safety is in the timely arrival ot outside assistance si gov liaa telegraphed general of this uty directing libin to bend a company of militia to at onca to preserve peace and to RO himself and it be finds one company to order out another general mera immediately notified companies A II 11 and the second of the kansas national guards to be ready for duty and with adjutant dahib went to lamed where lie will be met by company F and proceed to cimarron at once stans chaim fur SANTA FE N M jan 12 A statehood convention aoa held here today to day at chith ere present delegates atosa all parta of the territory A long reemi lotion was adored tha preamble of which alter abe treaty of by which the territory ileaine a portion of alie united states clial the ciula tion of new mexico at the present time is over a hundred and seventy thousand exclusive of indians who have not alio ekht of ran cliine that alio llio teni tory now has over fourteen hundred mile of railroad and telegraph lines all of which hae been within the last aine years valuation 0 property has increased ten told within the post ten years and the population thousand during the pait two years and AS alie territory 0 ne mexico ia possessed of sufficient resources intelligence telli gence ural inhabitants to authorize and require its arlim arsion into the onion ibis resolved by the people of the territory in assembled representing egory portion political party therein eliat wo insist und demand admission into the federal union and furthermore ue ask that speedy action be taken by congress upon this matter the convention con ventin asked to la permitted to retarn alie new mexico aa the name of the new state tana he for cot t jan 12 the litigation between eugeno lamittie laMit kie bicz the Ohi uese and whar ton buker 0 this city outfit a ili aputo in alie scheme to obtain from tho chinana government concessions to introduce certain systems of tele in that country assumed a new eliaso in the common pleas no 4 today to day filed his bill in equity against baiker last june the rule waa taken today to day by barker on to show cause chy or the payment of 1600 docta should not lio entered ibe affidavit upon which it is based oat that ali tr ton barler liaa a just luengo faint oa int the of alio of atiat lio is advised that the probable costs deec examiner and in After voula ba about that it is determine plain tiff liaa a bace of abode that complainant is aud larkely in debt to inacy pinions pen ions that it should be defeated defendant relieves lel ieves it would lo 10 impossible lor him to liis costa unless security is ordered by court to be entered i liht fr haiti YOEK jan 12 lata in the day alie steamer mercedes was put in sailing order sho steamed out ot the afternoon havins cleared or w etli a cargo of coal it vaa learned that the liia recently in by bonica lo nica julia alie san con gul nt altia ewt tor tO OOOO lie said lie hail her lor pur posea and biad bent lier to samoa under the dominican ali with a view to fending a ready ela for ler upon lier arrival julia denied that the mercedea carried anything in the nature of contraband of ar despite julias denial some shipping men regard the mercedes as inte or die use of hyppolyte and say ebe u ill be turned into a war A story from stapleton Sta ploton bays the mercedea took on several heavy cases between 2 and 3 this morning what the cabes contained iras not A reporter soaking au interview with the captain was twice ored upon a chicado jan 12 the general luau aRera of tho lines est and ou thweat of chicago who have been striving or ano weeks to agree on n plan for the regulation 0 ps peutor traffic in their territory coni lileto tl their labors thia the result aa alie adoption 0 the plan proposed last september with and the in to as fettled by fixing a nominal bum to be paid eastern keitg for the ele 0 tickets over lines this may he subject to further amendment in cago the should abreo to abolish commissions |