Show THE cooj fisli jan ll alio debate was resumed on plumbs to elnko out nil ol 01 the fiorda except fresh nali spoke in of hii amendment aas also supported by moved to strike out the para graph that lia mid wl leale all biresh fish under alie anly fixed in another part 0 the bill half a cent per and then new Kiil ml boum AM no better in that respect than oilier parta 0 ali country the discussion wa continued at length by klair spooner stockbridge palmer teller and ot liera allibone and evarta ta vorel klales amendment auen dment and anally Plum tiB amendment waa tharan ran and amendment was agreed to all the paragraphs relating to oila paragraphs to vere lidd giue io formally BO as to hao the verbiage changed daving readied paragraph as and oilier buds aldrich moved to strike out of il the worda osier or willow stating object was to put them on the dutiable list at 10 per cant the end of the free list having been reached at paragraph allison Alli sou raid be supposed the senate would foniah the reading of the bill early t iho it he would lie said to spend tho remainder of the day in ahe omitted paragraphs in alie free lint after winch ho would propose to take up the paragraphs as to guns cutlery and few buim items of that character karly next pek lie wished to proceed with tle wool and woollen schedule which bad not yet been toothed adjourned 1 liello banned dine cot still thi order r the laj jan 11 weaver took advantage of a half hours debate upon the milwaukee bill to delayer ft speech in favor of the oklahoma bill in behalf of which lie baa been making the filibustering ficht for doroe days past of illinois anade the point of order that the gentleman pent leman peaking on the subject before the houam and the speaker pro tern mccready sustained it no quorum voting on ordering the yeas and nays on the adoption of the conference report weaver again raised his point of order that a quorum was necessary the speaker overruled the point and the conference report was agreed to aaa dibble then presented a conference report on the bill for the erection of a public building at omaha nebraska weaver permitted the report to be agree 1 to without a yea and vote but when dibble rose with another conference report ho raised the question and pending this moved to adjourn dibble raised alie point of order that tho ilter lilter l motion was not in order but the point was overruled by the speaker who bield thata anding a decision deci eion of the question of considers con sidera competent for the hunse to adjourn lie also gilld in order a subsequent motion that when the adjourned today to day it bo to meet on AI ondy tha latter motion having been defeated withdrew ins to adjourn and on his motion house took a recess atie evening bion to be for the of private bills weaver loiva nas not pre llie house net this evening but kil kore of texas waa on hand to block legislation by raising the point 0 no quorum upon the motion to go ined committee of the ft hole for the conf con f eide ration of private ens aioo billa A call of the house wim considered aud continued when the biri jan il secretary vitas who biad beau requested to arbi in the contest tor llie gobernor i of clift chickasaw cation to day sent a telegram to ird mid guy the in which lid cited the chickasaw constitution regarding the canvassing of votes etc and eaid that in the execution of its provisions ani L jaird had been declared by the speaker of alie bouse in the presence of the members of both bouson governor biad taken the oath delivered his mortgage and since acted aa governor BO far as ba contest permitted although the fetn ans appear toll a ve dia cload a majority for gny no right to review alie constitutional action of the speaker in the presence and will the approval of the legislature in joint eileta elsewhere than in the courts of the even U they have such jurisdiction of january net con rea eman 0 R ct dippl died at hla resli leuca in bli city thia morning lie WAS bial elector on hie bierie and king ticket in 1833 and a 0 the and coneless Con eress ot the united butted retiring in abtil and le coining a in alte con ed erale congram rom istel to ha was elected to alie and 0 tho states JI was born la kentucky a sam jan 11 A dispatch was receive d at the navy department morning from lieutenant cowlis at philadelphia that the dynamite crul aoi at the third yesterday attained a speed of 21 knots an hour an excer 0 lm knots over the required by the contract alie trial took deep in delaware bay over a two and a ha mile cauree the vensel will ba accepted by the government giltis gil i u CHICAGO jan bithe ain sioux city iowa special bays information ia received today to day that the contract or tending alio balt balce axi ancelea line waa let on dav tills is the of the sioux ettya ogan road and will be completed to the pacific coast ineida of two year CIUK LEHTON W Va Jau U alio deadlock in the senate continues tho byllie will not allow it to bo broken until the abandon the questions ques tiona now la hie courts or until the contests are relt led the bouse cannot work until tho tw organizes |