Show FOREIGN INFLUENCE IK SAMOA consul general sewall in washington telling abo senators that the trouble in samoa was caused by german rapacity and german officials sending letters to berlin that the war ia the direct result of american interference these are the conflicting expressions pres which the dispatches report concerning the unfortunate pacific imbroglio em broglio it would perhaps be impossible to deny eliat both powers have exerted a great influence upon the affairs of the samoan group if there are americans there it is to expect that they would antagonize the party favored by the oi r mans on the other band it in the true teutonic characteristic to give their athole devotion to whichever side they may leave espoused there have been no americans killed so far as known but a equal of german marines were fired on from ambush and left a score of officers and men dead on the field while the attacking party it ia alleged was led by an american if our representatives there see in these occurrences anything to bo exultant over we may be sure the iron emayo of europe will see an occasion for the taking of bitter revenge from the international point of view it ia not clear aliat right our gunboats gun boats have to hover around the coasts and harbors of samoa our actual interests there are insignificant we do not think of annexation and we have only lately aa a nation become especially noted for meddling in the internal affairs of other countries but if our policy with regard to the islands is open to question what can be said ot the aggressive gres sive altitude assumed by germany her men of war are further away from home alian ours are what few commercial interests she has would not be likely to suffer even it left entirely unprotected her sons do not intend to colonize the country and it would be hazardous to trust any bonds which could be made to bind the distant islands to the heart of europe tho insurrection would bo short and bloodless if left to itself of encouragement or actual assistance tendered the respective sides only prolong the struggle and increase the slaughter but to be fashionable great must nowadays be humane and the acme of humanity in this present instance will probably consist in foreign intimidation and intervention until the islanders will be demoralized and wiped out and that will be samoan independence with a vengeance enge ance EMPEROR francis joseph almost every one ot the ninety six archdukes arch dukes and of the austrian imperial family la subject to epileptic fidfl several of the princely angiliea 0 germany are tainted hereditary insanity wearing a crowd is not the worst human ill after ull IT la noticeable that tho governors who luve tho most to say about election frauds and abe need of amendment in the law pertaining to tho suffrage are democrats governing doubtful which in the idle campaign gave their electoral vote to the ticket GENERAL of indiana nominated at chicago to occupy abe white house will ride during his occupancy of that mansion in carriages from a chicago warehouse but made out of indiana timber senator plumb today to day ind deduced educed a bill to provide for the organization ol 01 regimental bands for each lament n iby army |