Show ali south ahe liter I 1 SSt natt jan 2 encouraging telegrams from private la paris tend to keep up aliu 0 alt through period of anxiety for abu alie in the money market has sub billed but rates keep ball to an abnormal eguro varying between dandil percent atie una recently presented to the united senate with reference to european intervention ia canal matters are not regarded with favor either in this country or bolher spanish american republics newspapers are coming in now with comments ariti bising the and the general tendency ut opinion aselius reflected ia the press as theas republics obtained their own freedom from european dominion and are absolutely ree and states an SUM action on the part of the united states as that suggested eug in he resolutions bould amount to an of their national right in this country boore particularly a ia natural under the circumstances public opinion runs high on the sub jutt in the contract between this government and the canal company there is a clauso that particularly MIS forth that no transfer whatever of rights and privileges can talio place and certainly that no governmental antenen tion could possibly be tolerated on the part of frame in the event of any eccli as that anticipated by alie edmunds rei solutions it ia argued eliat the colombian bould alutin have the right of protesting in the elret instance and that only in to appeal from her could any kotlier country assume the right of interposition ter J claff uli dis aalf alsi jan 12 at pratt mills live miles from to day mrs J 8 kellan the wife of a mechanic and lier son willie 9 oars old mere murdered by a negro the noman and the toy had been luto the boods a distance to drive up their row they met the cearo ho told them he them where the cow was they followed him a short distance when no turned lira adlan with a heavy club the boy screamed for help and was immediately brained by the negro the boy died instantly airs kellan v as removed to her homo and lived long enough to describe dee cribe the murderer and give particulars of the crime an given aboe the negro fled but is awing pursued by a posse bloodhounds and will be lynched if cau glit sd far as alno n there was DO motive tor the crime the chikazo aej atlantic jan 12 tha big snit against the atlantic railway company in which the farmere Farm erH loan and trust company th eErie railroad company and the first anil second mortgage bondholders bond holders are inter has been decided against the atlantic judge gresham that the mort agea be ore closed and alia property sold the suit was an important one and has been watched interest by railroad men tho first mortgage is for sis and a bialt million dollars by di of alio court any remaining ader the payment bf these booda and inter cut is to be held fur the benefit of alie second according to respective rit flita in equity the second mortgage is for five million dollars PANAMA jan 12 tha Yen zuela revolutionary lealer and presidential aspirant general crespo captured and taken to caracas was released and be at the end of lust month en route for peru on nov AH earthquake totally destroyed the toaia 0 bunare hut despite the destruction no ot hit occurred if ens from peru now is that the prospect ot contract milti calely receiving the 0 the congress has greatly are in great demand in chill owing to the development of alio count rys mineral resources lurono P halaj N Y jan 12 are aurora has here eveni oi at 9 of a vast circle of white light its wi ter near the zenith and its over alie moon arnera reach oil up to it the north the diameter 0 the circle was about 75 degrees at similar circle of shorter diameter formed it also pissed across alie boon As the moon rose fitall higher another conned of still smaller dimensions still passing over the tupou the center redwine at the of the luoto towards the zenith to regulate the size of the cirile tho diameter ot hie circle was on each ocra Binn the distance from the zenith to the moon Air in the rails jan 12 somerville tuck a wistano general for the united santeg to tho paris exposition tt says applications for apace already number seven hundred and lity and are from all parla ol 01 tho country all llie in dust neB arta etc must he favorably passed they will be accepted tor exhibition the art croup in artill incomplete much more space lias been applied or alian can be allured american exhibitors CD ri iliUM NEW YORK jail 12 at the dinner 0 the common eally dub tonight to night lion carl raid the politic a of country are in a deplorably corrupt condition and reformation ia a more important question at present than either tree trade or protection some people aay ahia of things cannot be remedied yet the condition of kuklish politics na much worm not many jears ago and today to day england ta the clean pation politically Epo aking on ahn ace 0 he earth at bobinc la jan 12 the funerals 0 some ot the victims ot the tornado disaster took place here today to day atie fujil jor the relief 0 abo buffer era has now rea nearly A ot contributions have been received rom new york atud delplina delp Liia and even ats far west as montana money is needed to bury the dead and relieve distress in the families 0 persona injured carl light opera company produced biera fiut thia ev enina agnes an american actress achieved bril llant buccey |