Show J i A lady cliot wig ft united 1 brates Sli ri alio llio time of henry clay tells u of thai gibat tale oi ina of laearl and of the winning wry he had with children alio bly drawn toward mm rhe udy a gill of about thirteen year and was BIB ina at the hotel in air clay had booma in washington her father and air clay acro to aaili utter politically and the supposed that they fiust naturally despise ea h other personally lie took del in baying childish chil dih unkind bilings mr chiy many 0 he duc gerel every am laign in macx nA Cx lu almli anro lell up to ridicule these ilie sang pitifully pitt fully in alie tres enre ut her itea lio were friendly to air clay therefore her when her lather aam walking little hotel cirlor one evening arm in arm with sir chiy my ilear ho baij to lier sir clay 1 I am always glad to makof frienda with alit children ea nl mr clay M he took his unknown enemy by the li anil and bat down by her side her father was called from the room for a fuw minu tea and during that time air clay won his enam over by liis kindness arid charm of manner and when ho left her to talk her ather ft her she watched him with an adoring fe then her conscience smote her as alio recalled all hie unkind i alio bad mid about mr clay now to her alie personification of all hit was good and great she recalled doggerel lines with shame and regret a ery little girl fhe f he talt eliat she must make all the reparation within her power for aliat alie felt was great wrong she therefore followed him into the hall whan lie went away and boing sh ly an 1 tearfully forward said mr cladi I 1 he turned aud paid kindly well ply dear what is it why I lve been a very very naughty girl indeed I 1 ive said awful things about about you but ill never net er say them again and elia began to weep while sir clay and what have you said oh ive sung dreadful about you that awful one that saya 0 henry clay better go home and there huud better atay and tea a choked lier utterance and to lier mr clay instead of droit ing her to tie ground hurst into laughter from that day to he end of liia life the penitent of Tender and air clay were alie warmest friends |