Show ill olibo 1 tho london caught in a trap s TWO DAYS CRIMES and kansas local serious Se rions ir ailenn OF ans Lk cloral lott pepper akl fails baly farming in it louia bettera agaj to TUB 01 ane kill 1 in oli 0 o cabi ei amne and t san CLE ci amodio AM Ohio jan 14 A frightful wreck occurred on the new york ohio railroad near minlue ohio llila a pas tram colliding foll iding one eu tiomi of n frei glit biad broken in atto nine were killed annj a bloyen 1 lie lift of killed is as follows aobert of gal engineer win Walle rii of glion bast emper lire man J F of ailion Ui lion freight ani lundy of N Y express four aud mary ann lon if aed six second class to cherry creek N Y four of alio injured aro in a condition A epenial from aairon gives the lollo nini of tho wreck at 1 17 train no 8 eastbound easl bound was rounding roun dinK a eliar cure one and a half miles east r Tal linage and came suddenly aion a pirt of freight train no 81 there was a dense fog taud llila conspired antti other things make u dent beyond human aofter to avoid and engineer biad just time to beveree lie engine aben the dreadful trash caad lie was instantly killed ali y freight train as laemy nd wenla it vaa alio grade a coupling parted about the middle pt the train it was dei aided to to the common expedient of doubling up nere cent one east and hegt to warn any approaching train brakeman bradley vaa bent abbad to edg the vaa to be about due the first part of the broken freight train was taken to tallmage elation alie engick then resumed to the bec eec oud part A bignal waa isio la wild to have been to bammon back the flig inan stationed at the east flagman bradlay took it to be alao and started back to alie freight the engineer of the engine ni jario recall whittle nas bounded Bonn ded but at any rate IS radley heard it so baik the freight eliud just got under motion to go to lien the express came along the of abo fast train was some lial by alie reverse but the impact ws freight engineer and brakemen jumped aud escaped serious injury alio pa Benger encee nas crushed into bits and mingled with the behind it the freight engine reared ip and stool almost on end angi neer and breinan wal fra of alie euprea ex prea mere cu hed the nas smelled hib lead crushed and ins broken aad doubled up alie us train consisted con Bisted of a com ji nation baggage and express far aud a smoker common and two bleeders Blee pers the greatest erea test horror came when alio far and smoker chich aiu the common coach took junes of the keut yard engine civo miles off bebau begau to be and looking down alio tracee saw the treba the glare of the burning care tha telescoped couches appeared as ona and from the faial burning cars came and cs of the unfortunates tu then caine a scene of terror the barong struggling to escape hie horrible death by fire hope leas and praying for from the 1 lines that were enveloping bliem une anaa gerge shaw in by wreckage managed by superhuman to release hib lower leuba and escaped cut and bruised in alio were eight five were pulled ont alive but half dead from fright three were never abo and bobra anil bita tf harred faleali gathered up in a bag all tat were found of one of alio most pathetic of all the beenes were attending the vt hl le mary ann I 1 on an orphan who was acin f edit through from cualio on a second ilass to reUt ivea iu creek N Y beltzer Iel tzer a coins to new york tella tins atory of liar ileath 1 noticed abe little ym alio nn to ba till learned elie been ticketed through to anuw york ag a decoud bluss pan enger aba a bleet caceil and every time I 1 visited alib I 1 interested in tie felic baid lier parella par enla etere and alie was goinn to creek to live u ili borne relations alien the chaab tsuio I 1 via in lay bealli in the tileen er and a my thought of little alary and I 1 rushed ont of alio car and to lay saw tho smoker all iu luines I 1 baat B lilo opposite tho part 0 the car alire ilief libil eat had beao douilly ilia beat cihi h jllen upon lier the arn already her and fending aliat ehe chuu not be I 1 dud from the thu in the roar rul linan aera hardly aroused by tho attic utti fast jan 14 alie presidential electors met at tats afternoon and ast th ir ballota for II arrison and morton jainel I 1 vas chheu aa to the remit to washington VaT fao democratic electors met at ahe caal uil today to day and cast the vota of the otate lor cleveland and des moines in the electoral collego met today to day and cast the tote 0 alio state for and SS orton ill alie electoral eleito ral col lena today to day fast alio vote of Il linci for Il arrigon alie dec icil to RO to and call on alio president elect lect the electoral collaso met liera tills afternoon anil vast their vote for harrison biml lort fultn 11 the fallers all aljie biome or aa li to jan 13 among the callara on uen II arrison today to day na ex john H wise late of virginia but now 0 new boik ilia visit was unexpected but gen harrison gave him a virginia wel coine and invited libich the midday meal over the general and bueal spent a quarter of an hour in private conversation what parsed between them can only be judged arom the interview with air vise on his return from the generals to an associated press correspondent wise declared his vincit biad no political significance that he had a lawsuit at akron ohio and ran over to see gen harrison on sunday lie would not admit eliat the visit of the 2 prominent virginians in the interest of general lahoue the mothe for his visit but in the course of his conversation lie inveigled inveighed ed against the celebrated elitle general etith all his old time fire anil lel atlin it would be to alie republican parly in the south to ut gen maheno in the cabinet aheu naked liet lier lie made such a declaration to the president elect he declined to beato what passed in their conversation proclaimed eliat mahone lost the ute in virginia to general Il unison in the idle election some 0 the Mahone itea when here stated eliat vite had agreed to keep fiands off in to obtain cabinet recognition for mahone wise did not corroborate this lait emphatically denied eliat lie lad agreed to keep hands oil visitor who armed today ia jolin F the well known new york merchant of alie and morion dry club of new york and vice president 0 the union leancie dab he will be joined late tom to m by lion warner bateman of new york and it is understood they will urge cabinet recognition for ex warner miller party of new yorkers arc en route from nith ex state senator W J askell at their head it is understood this party comes to urge the case ot ex genitor bialt and that they are in favor of some third anaa from new york in case the president elect cannot honor plait TUE aloir an idle Xetha nic in LnITa Ii drat jh critic i jan 13 tho courier dornink created a sensation BensA tion in nationalist tion alist by publishing a number oi lethera and telegrams tele grami written by special detectives scotland yarda bent in alie interest of alie london to procure evidence to implicate parnell in the phoenix park it appears in august last a mechanic at black kock being boutot and anoney conceived the idea of making por out 0 the tunes he wrote to alie pub that lie knew of tw 0 irishmen w ho n ere in possession of evidente that would prove the letters on hichi the tunes relied in the present to be perfectly genuine ho boon received advice from lie that a detective would io sent tie detective duly caino and ed with the mechanic from new york ho aid lie was to see alie mechanic and others willing to KO proofs and il necessary go to ang land and testify well compensated and protected ila wanted alie mechanic to go to new york and later to meet him at a in mechanic however was equal to thu occasion on the arrival ol 01 the live he notified liin eliat alio gamo liaa been discovered alie detective and hn demalo corn pinion thereupon went to toronto from ho went to montreal and thence to chicago chero ha were with george harvey aw lasalla street all the time imploring the buffalo man to hasten his proofs and at the same time layng him several of money ana in all to about tam writing from chicado Chi caKo nov ho to show ion and declared ha would not pay out another dollar until he could eee the papera in hl own handa aei bides he had not BO much ovid enco aa it waa that lie could afford to dd without hem still aa wins willing to give four hundred them on dec let lio wiota announcing his intention of to niagara fau la the course vi his wander inba after the went to III oliero lie said his on lived anil thenan ha wrote offering to rave the man boo and the game to the other thou nere made certain was of no evidence whatever ol 01 the nature sought all uil la Iki isan cabag CITY jan 13 the special telegraphed lie liall arri iril at cainar ron abo location of alio recent county apat nar this morning ami all VAS quiet the militia companies ordered out are detill in linches to dinovo at a nobuo as it in feared alio trouble is ingalla wag cuan leil fill baat hialit by fur roero as it haa ix en rumo roil that Cli narron threatened to burn the aton and ilia deguti dep uti biad been liy the before general ari rivet ST louis says J A shoup ex chairman of alie loard cf conaty of gray county arrived ahlo afternoon from the seat otibe to lay the matter beloro jov Ii laitin lie bays the mili lift to prevent another halt loaa lie koplo preparing to make another assault the town and leavo to kill abo Cimin arron leadore the farl time au opportunity lie tn nhan that elliern will he more hod on a tic people of both to no excited over iho matter that only the enro of a strong dorco ot militia will prevent bloody conflict ari cull raft haj drw jan 13 alie antiro family 0 jav waited about abo bed aide 0 hi dying wife tonight to night for the end to come the doctors on id any attempt to prolong life would lo 10 not only raelea but ovan almost cruel was nothing to do but to natch and wait MIB goula vaa too feeble to converse and the anxious of loed ones about ier willi a jimile or no bhe cawed away ix arb was hie ilau liler if tunica S amiller u former grocer of her la still ahin in now york lut liebing ceble over 80 veara old blo as B alie funeral will 0 o bield at ir I 1 ix tona on Weil alie interment ill bo in alk dioutt ST bouis jan 13 the ad vires ironi the indian territory are that alie idle decision ot secretary vilis giving the governorship of alie chickasaw natica to william L ilerd is not favorably received alie adherents 0 uny ft ho M elected on the fae fa e of alie returns re and who wag virtually deposed by the decision largely outnumber lie ayrd faction in many localities and are threatening trouble uny and oyid to accept the arbitration of tho interior department guy himself will keep faith but it is doubtful whether he can prevent his martians part ians from breaking out in open violence the most chickasaw Chi casaw citizens supported guy and the overthrow 0 his government is looked upon as a serious blow so they claim to llie beat interests of alie nation in some of these men go BO far as to bay matters are from settlement than ever dastardly moil ollir rL lir ELAND ojan 13 ei of union bounly Loun ly ohio aliu lives near mt hickory had a terrible ex pei benca with last hearing a noise in his him he w benl enl out tu T 0 men tet upon niini clio liim twice and eeck with a knife chy threw alio llio ed man into the and et tie to the lurn lucli aa Holie naj k lud been rusi bcd by members of his alie man willdie su dicion resta upon two colored men lio Irom td in st loni yr ioris I oris jan 11 A arreba was isado here today to day chich promises to result in tho exposure of baby farmin all its heartless cruelty right under alie eyes of the i ity authentic A woman v ho cave her name aa jane called at the ollice of ahe coroner and cave eliat two babes who biad been left in her chanuo by mothers had died aud aliat flip city would have to bury them A rigid investigation has been instituted resulting in sirs arta arrest alie bodies of lie infanta are emaciated ro iderle llie Y jan 13 general biihler T V powderly of the knights of lehor addressed u meeting ol 01 P A in aliis ity last evening lie made a long address on national topics K of L and among other shingi he of the alleged founders of the K of L who aro trying to establish a new order in recently offered to sell out ahti new order to him tor and he biad proof that the raino person previously offered to sell out to john talk CHICAGO jan 14 cited ep peras thrown by four men from a dirk alley this evening int otlie john keilby casl iier for lyou A healy koley had ina B atchel and was on his way to pay olt tho arms factory hands the cashier clung to his satchel struck donn one of his assailants sai lants nith his fist biti a blow on the neck and as reaching tor his rev oher when alio four bobbera took ta beela looting fair ala jan 14 Since saturday when lira kellian Kel liin waa neatly lolled and her little boy was brained by unknown at ingilis anany colored men have been arrested and before alie woman or one named george meadow a was partly identified by lier but fiill be licud till tomorrow to morrow lien it ins identity ia es be will be lynched jelt lo 10 miss jan 14 jaffer son davia arrived here last tonight to night in response to A serenade bavis feelingly referred to the mississippi boag with lie raid lie biad livid and buffred Buff rod he closed na follows it is the aliat liat aino I 1 hill see you die when I 1 the and feel inn that I 1 have not lived in love lor all under Bt anding oat jan 13 axworthy e tily treasurer of cleveland chiu last night and will tale up laih bere amro axworthy will arrive oo 00 tuesday ax worllie aa s lie deplores leaving to ace hie world adew utter thirty spare of liard and lionett bahor alie daft dionest act of iiii life lie SA 11 committed through force of oer lie bad no control in filiip cain I 1 p as lo 10 il jan aall lope tor tle batly 01 the blanp biord Wi irden now out IDS days en from montevideo to philadel lias bieu given up and thero is no longer any doubt that die giai gone to the bottom her crew con eitor of boulia all from near trieste austria the Ll ettric ansar I 1 jan 14 mra olive friend and V K howard of electric gugar fanin etere att the craford llouel windsor after no in by a 0 alie lie l ie arit all to seo or bonveno con veno willi them were futile it is under that cottens is ou a pilgrimage to the baine place ohio lan 14 elmar to day to alia murder 0 mother freddy lie dues not lo 10 did it alie of the people is ery hiigli aej may bo dyni bed in catra li loot atin 14 bussell II 11 horrison Hir rison ion of alio elet ulio has to this city for a short kiino after a long in be east wa a banquet this by a number ot leading citizens tho king harness cleveland ohio has ahalt ard assets |