Show dally hi amateurs at it again laet a number 0 alie amateur olna blat ho time is drawing nigh for tha capture of alie various erizea to take time by hie forelock and tico up they accordingly vent down to alie shooting grounds and eni aReil in two ile ni attics with eight birds aid ao birda there was also one match birds bo tween the two redoubt ables bum and newt follow nig id the score of the various rinar MATCH NF arr 7 sam browning 0 12 J 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 7 ag matt browning 00 3 4 eWO SAll sallejo 0 i NF arr ca 1 7 S 1 0 0 0 0 I 1 1 1 4 J greens allf 1 l 7 SL 1 1 0 1 1 I 1 0 6 A brewer 1 0 sam alien r 0 O 1 0 0 1 0 j 12 MATCH vl 1 3 sam 14 1 I 1 0 0 3 0 0 3 SI 0 1 1 1 1 1 mcfarland Mc larland 0 1 1 L 1 4 il oil I 1 1 J kj t i 12 FOURTH Nr arr 1 1111 5 sani crowning ill 01 0 1 t it greenwell 13 1 3 12 i t M brownin 1 l 1 4 W it 0 1 1 I 1 1 3 i 8 As newt had proven himself so dexterous with the gun during tha evening aam gave him the privilege of mea him which newt accepted with th e following re pul K farr t ri 12 S browning 9 more about the beef jan EDITOR TUB please n bert the follow ing in reply totals to letter dauid Dec crober I 1 wish to suy that on december I 1 left the two lounds of meat of which lie at the U 0 store forgetting it on the I 1 called aceaid store for the meat which was only two lays afterwards I 1 asked one at the klerks if he had seen a small on aba counter two jays previous lie replied yes ind went to a desk to look for it but t was cone he inquired of the other clerks in the store as to whether they had seen it one of them danl 1 I dont know unless it was thrown into the back room when the clerk returned ho said john it is not there john replied 1 I dont know where it ia well then you must have fed it to your dog replied the other and immediately they burst out in laughter among themselves I 1 then wt remarking well have a law suit with you and the dog after telling the in the manuscript paper referred to by tat as 1 have now stated toyo uthe paper remarked lint people make other calculations than leaving articles at alie U 0 store lexan this is all the found ilion fur a libel buit and all the falo air he speaks of tat fixated that we myself and wife returned home aud straightway went to the editor of a certain manuscript and had it published that I 1 did not As for the donations tat speaks of I 1 want neither his nor others whether in meat or anything else I 1 ing but aliat I 1 have earned through hard work and perseverance but if tat wishes to begin a libel suit I 1 hao probably as much US currency as lie though I 1 way lack in artificial brass JOHN WRAY j some ago assistant attorney david evans appeared aaa candidate for probate judge of utah county since his appointment in the first district court it is understood tint he has withdrawn from that race sir JV ike he court haa been urged to accept appointment if it ia for him this request was made some time ago and his name forwarded to headquarters without his knowledge lie promptly refused at hat time as there were others an fn the field but aa liia frienda again his taking ibbe has consented to allow his name to be used and will take the judgeship if tendered but wholly unsolicited on m 0 of alie west weber at ma I 1 atuk PS that abe oth dinst aldera thomas A shreeve and Brown iOK of the central board vero present and addressed the meeting A very good gramme pro was presented also by the members of the Y L and Y M associations alie following officers w ere A in caon green jr president pies ident francis carr john 0 jolin W bitton secretary ballan tyne occupied a short time iu ink the I 1 lie U W 8 A organized A meeting of the woman was held in salt lake afternoon at which the utah wo mans association wan organized gani zed with aira T caine na president the constitution of alio national e tion was real aej A committee on bylaws was and weila aliey were engaged in consultation epe echea on auman were by a number of the ladies alio meeting then one month died cf his bolm McKin lov terrible injuries by lalling from tho building a few giaya ago died afternoon between one aej ano HIB were removed to bent they will be prep biml for burial tj i e funeral be held at lie cli arch kun dav at noon hie loce aBed leaves a widow and three little children to hia an timely departure ty Ac clenta appeared yesterday A man named slater enraged in hauling ice failed to maintain MS abat on the ili pery load and fell to the dislocating ats wrist ire went to dr bryant who reduced the dislocation and lie is now doing aa bellia possible after hia painful experience peri ence |