Show 41 www an lr 15 or y IB column lt ho found alio annual report of secretary klauga of the commerce it alas prevented ot the regular meeting lat and its reading was followed by alie election 0 olti cers for the en baing year the occasion was one of interest and e trust of profit here is ground for congratulation when a comparison is drawn between the condition of business as now presented and that of a aar ago steady and sy progress lias marked alie behave been spared financial disasters and public and tji prise lava competed with aaili other in contributing to ily liag biad to fight its own b attles but it lias won its place in the ank of alie west B as long disputed but alii i has taught us pa tonco its claim as the commercial cen ire and consequently as alie best field for permanent investment has been first sneered at and then sharply antagonized aliis iii has made us courageous and pelf reliant and now that briglia eldies of promise bend over us it is not pride accompanies our retrospection it is the consciousness of ork bravely done and victories nobly won all to the chamber of commerce 1 thanks too to alie spirited epi men who as individuals have treasured the liepe of the favorable prospects now upon us and who have labored earnestly to hasten their coming thanks to all who ft ogden well be aliey rich and mighty or poor and lowly the reward is at the door and in the feast of good things which is preparing there ill be a warm nelcome at the board for every one |