Show old world news lopoo Lo soo 1888 proceedings in parliament with regard to the much debated question of the limits of privilege have called the attention of many to the different bartu of the precincts of alie ol 01 commons which to roost people a name the lobby la often referred to as a great meeting place of members and as the centre of political but that is what is technically known as the inner lobby and it is inaccessible except under the most stringent regulations to strangers the outer lobby in which theao latter can wait ta dee is quite a different place and is separated from the other by corridor which is carefully guarded by police any person who wishes to have an with a member can gain admission to the outer lobby and it he can beaure a ticket for the Rall tries allotted to dai strangers he can pass through the inner lobby by these galleries galler iea are reached bat so strictly Is the inner lobby protected from the intrusion of ahe outside world that the visitor is not allowed to linger in it on his way if he pause to look around a watchful constable will in an instant be at his elbow tellio ghim that he is not allowed to baill and that he most either at once take his place in the gallery or leave admission for practical purposes Is in fact restricted to members and ex members of the of commons to peers and to a very limited number of journalists n ho are allowed to enter for purposes it is th i last class which ia mainly response ble for the lobby which ores the staple of maa nyol tho london letters which appear in the cial press of experience ig a man who knows all the loading sufficiently well to be able to ak them questions about coming events and the leading politicians have found by experience that it is well to cultivate friendly relations with alio press by this method those who know itol hinK of the subject are apt to sneer at the idea that cabinet ministers br in opposition 0 equal raak will repose confidence in working journalists but members of what be called the inner circle of politics are well aware not only that ahry do eo but hat they are glad to do so in many cases the old proverb to the effect that a w ink is as good as a nod to a blind boree has to be taken into for a dow not always put into BO many words the precise idea lie wishes to convey but tha skilled lobbyist altnow what is intended and this he furnishes to the public tho inner lobby therefore is far from tho least important part of the palace of westminster for therein many a decision is shaped which will have significant bearings upon the destinies of the em pire and it is from Is apace that a largo number of political abate menta 30 forth to the world that greatly affect the fortunes of the carlies into which clang ue u e divided the winter burglary acason is now in full eoln and encounters walh on the pai 0 both t allce sod alie pill lie bw faoa aws para loly in tendon Ine offiC cages lie attempted robbery hm beall of a very alil pattern and i ought ier by abia alroe to ba on buon during lie ail much attention is given by the thieving ilass to their occupant a stupidly left without the protection of a caretaker and daring the winter this banie attention ie to i left without i any one in charge during the evening divine eem co ahe method of the burglary is almost charming iu its simplicity A nan alio lias ahli door of a loose laih leous lipty and ones he kniker or rings the bol U contrary 0 o expectation anyone fin ia readily invented or the and ho men ws on hut if the bo lound tu be really empty a key epee fily alio llio b ori return airout durfli or chapel alio place ia 0 ft il property thieves retire with their booty thia la one of the oldest devices in english knavery but it appears to be able 0 o ba profitably even yet it will not be ions before every british schoolboy wil lind it necessary to revise hii settled notion that no place except westminster can be a city junices it a bishop for a movement is etem lily going on by which all the great towns in alio united kingdom though not the centre af pf a see will be called by the proud lille A aw montha ago belfast by the favor of tho queen was specially raised to that position three or tour days sinco dundee was similarly eimil arly favored and ireland and scotland having thus biad their tarn angland is to for birmingham has practically been promised alu same favor I 1 the matter be critically analysed there may eleein no tangible in a place being called a city rather than a borough but pride and prestige count for much among our great towns belfast for instance considers itself quite as entitled to tho name of city AS dublin and even more so alian limerick dundee does not eee why she should lag behind edinburgh orUl aeROW while him thinks quite as much of herself as liverpool manchester and new upon tyne all 0 them cities of recent date in these matters it is not the tangible advantage but tho added prestige that counts and it would be churlish for any to object to the pleasure that that added prestige may bring not frequently is it the case that man interferes with the operations tf nature to quite BO large an extent as in the case of the formation of a new ake in wales to supply water tp the great city of liverpool but that is ft process which ja now actively going on and it promises to be one of the engineering wonders of hie ago abatt from the enormous difficulties which have had to be encountered and the majestic borka which hae bad to be undertaken alie creation of lake vyrnwy is one of the most striking proofs which has yet been afforded tf the increasing hardness of the tor providing a constant and full supply of water tor our large low na re in london have not quite tell the pinch as yet for from the thames and the lea have been taken the millions of gallons dally consumed tro polis but more alian once of late there leave been warnings that with a continually increasing population alila supply cannot be regarded as complete alien the question 0 how atia to be efficiently supplemented cornea to be practically faced it would be found to be one ol 01 the hardest nuta to crack that london has undertaken tor a very long time there aro some engineers ft ho say that nothing short of a journey to tho cumberland late in search of water will suffice to eup l ply tho ever growing wants 0 the metropolis tro polis and that is a prospect from which it is not marvelon marv elom that as jonn as londoners Lon doners can they should shrink but a full supply of water is to the prosperity health and general well of the community and at whatever trouble and however great the cost that supply will have to bo had A canterbury clergyman was re bertly treated to au exceptional experience peri ence daring the delivery ot one ol 01 his profound pulpit rations the reverend orator a a moat estimable mau but unfortunately he has bedri cultivated in jarw style his prolixity borely tries he rution oo ol 01 th walla matters are made worse by bis habit of introducing several in conclusion he had juat reached ono of these on the occasion referred to when the congregation taking him at his word rose to their feet hi a body tho preacher somewhat disturbed essayed to complete his discourse but hia orda werd Inand iWo in 10 contusion that followed the movement ol 01 his hearers seeing the boot of their inclination the reverend gentleman wisely forbore to st for his righta he solemnly closed tho book without making a to fo on and the service as speedily ended the humor ot tho situation waa ever waa a sermon more abruptly concluded the of the cloture in the blouw of cummons bant atorthy of mention method by the tho canterbury an interesting after lost treaburn trea Buru haa just begue in tho adriatic near trieste in september 1812 alie french corvette danae was lost by an explosion froni cassea un keavin the whole of tho bamo bomo two hundred men being drow noil alie captain ot the ship had just returned frodi the theadra when the powder blew up and such aa he force of tho explosion that avery window in the quarter of the ton it arlio bea was smashed thero happened to be on board the case of wes and valuables destined for an exalted lier at trieste no trace of it could afterwards be discovered the search now being made with the tnie aion of the authorities p alie port per la carried on by experienced divers hitherto hith eito aota ot alie dano or her trea Auro haa been bound WARWICK |