Show A binl of lou jan 1839 we aro not asleep here in larno by any means on tuesday the ath dinst tho Y L III I 1 A pl ian met at tho residence of counselor hannah baird and gave a genuine Burp riso with complete success A meeting wag held where our bishop atud several of alie bisters of the relief society gave many rood instructions to tho young and they also showed forth the good character and willingness of sister performing her duties after the meeting a able loaded to overflowing with the good to please the taste A as surrounded by over thirty people who did justice to the dainty viands prepared sifter baird was the recipient of sonio useful as well as ornamental presents in token of the love and e heern in which she is held by the members of tre Y L M I 1 A of thia place Y L trains the C P 11 K co has decided to take oft tao traina on their daily run no arriving in aden at 10 pm and no 2 leaving odan at 7 p ui will be discontinued on and alter monday jan this in one will be of benefit to ogden on the other band it will bo of some inconvenience for westbound eastern arrivals as they will be under the necessity of lying over until six hours however they will be well p tid for ft hut they may thus buffer by a few hours view of oden even though it bo after dark gas aill soon be furnished and the delayed passengers will be able to see lie city of which but few people dare claim any ignorance unless it be our near neighbors for once the railway changes will be of some good to the junction city the band to plain city on the evening of tuesday next eliy anden city braan band will visit plain city acting upon an invitation bent them by a number of prominent uti zena of that place the boya will be to a fine supper by he bood people of plain city and in return will ive a grand concert it is ex pecked that the plain city band will participate in the exercises and kielp to make the meeting an enjoyable one ll 11 is needless to say that a cooj time will be had as that is proverbial of all inch in in by the ogden band boya at hooper on thursday evening july lath her A T bailey fatih deliver a lecture in the N W C school house in hooper the subject will bo iba proposed constitution for utah and its on the present problems of this territory minutes of the time faill bo given for volunteer on alio llio subject AH admission freo ST jan 12 tle kussian budget for 1889 giai been is euel a surplus of coubles roubles rou bles in the statement accompany ia alie briget the minister of finan cea declares that alio satisfactory prospect for the coming year is due to the pacific policy 0 the czar which las caused the removal of all occasion for conflict foreign powers aiu points out the objections that have been made abroad to alie floating of the new loans aud he attributes all the trouble of jhc thc KO finans to hie blind hostility of the foreign prees especially that ot germany jo indman nenod on id jan irre caroline vy a widow livida on a annn two and a half miles north was found murdered in bed tills morning her only son Sti arvy who lived with her ia A froin zanzibar bays in fight at daran salem alio defeated with peat lobland efto germans were injured |