Show january 12 mrs jay gould died at her homo on ath avenue new boik at last night the block at Marlboroug li occupied by furniture and dry goods stores burned yesterday loes well insured two cirei ien wem seriously injured the king oi holland spent a restless niba sunday he takes little food he left his bed for fifteen minutes esterday the belgian A ord commenting on the t abuit question it germany helps gese it is not that americans bide with mataafa the death is announced of marquis D fobeare a tho italian in his slot ear the king of holland has inflammation 0 the train and death cannot be long deferred senor antonio bachellor of morales cuban historian and scientist is dead the death of the countess brilly ig announced henry christ and diw ava harko caer were run over by n train near hinsdale new york yesterday and killed the comptroller of alie currency has appointed air 8 1 young ol 01 san ra nusco receiver of the california national dank the condition of llie king of holland is not improved to lay the cabinet today to day discussed the question 0 o a provisional regency the sixteenth session of alie montana legislature convened at helena to day the republicans organized both breacht s the upper house of the prussian diet was opened tu day with patriotic addresses by iho president and vice presidents enthusiastic cheers given for the emperor the organized in Wilke abarre saturday last by T graphical union no collapsed this evening miles of iho U S steamer yantic recently armed from bort au prince with ellow fever abbad died tonight to night it is reported eliat another riot baa occur edin pocahontas pa among miners but no details have been received as et alie yield of gold in queensland for was ounces an increase of ounces over the yield of A from sydney N S W lias formed a new cabinet the president and mrs cleveland were entertained at dinner tonight to night by secretary of state and miss bayard other members of the cabinet were present alie hon artillery company of london tonight to night based a resolution demanding that the war collico institute an inquiry into alie charge of insubordination the death is announced of edmund midouin Hi douin the french painter AD ex senator fur erath r ati jan 13 hon john J lias been acied for breach of by mr mary fleming Bon as colonel on general williams staff alie v ar and ards represented south carolina in the united states senate he is quite wealthy nd was recently married U mis frank a prominent lady of wis he la 65 years of ase 13 the accounts of re tinn county treasurer V been discovered to beven thousand thu usand tollard tol laru he is unable to replace the funds aaen and the bondsmen will be called upon to make good alm shortage and obio jan 13 james G r this morning shot and wounded hid wita and then jealousy was the cause of the crime of dr mill janket CITY N J jun 13 alexander T U U L r D professor of and pastoral at princetown Prince town alio olo ical fie died at princetown Prince town N J this morning in his oal year we jutt received a large block of rubber goods of alt descriptions A kahn bro want to lit told we allier at for lame back sida ar cheat uso Khi lolin plaster price 26 cents for sale by F it hurl but main street 8 itt cm best school shoe in america little giant loat CUBE guia |