Show lit SCHOOL A arief session of he trustees of alie reformatory A meeting of alie trustees of the territorial was held in be county court house yesterday at 3 p m 1 here were present secretary W C hall and hona joseph bar tion C lUc hards jas II 11 abole and 11 II 11 jones an resolution was adopted to the effect that secretary hall bo president pro tan of tho board during ilia governors absence rom the territory it was also resolved eliat a piece of land lying north of the school grounds ba purchased from lion lorin barr tor the sum of SOO hon joseph arton reported that the city water mains had been laid to alie school and the sum of waa appropriated to pay the city or thia work A number of bills were audited and allowed and the board subject to alie call of the president association tho teachers association convened at the usual hour jan alth prof T IS lewia presiding after tho usual opening exercises the teachers reported as follows X AA M academic deith lawla M 60 W burton 75 K N thong M anderaon And ereon sit 71 V second warde IlD gree 77 third alch US 11 7 fourth ward clara afi W ward L 7 music leaona had been given in all departments aj reported by arof the teachers choir then baar the glee arof T B lewis cave an excellent lecture upon the glory and majesty of our his opinion was that the glory and majesty of a country depended wholly and solely upon her educational interests he adso urged the study of civil government by all our yeung people as a means ot accomplishing great bood ancy llovina then bang in a pleasing plea sine style the bong not a spur row ral letb prof L V monch expressed hla pleasure and gratitude of again bay inn the privilege of meeting with the teachers nith whom be bad been associated so many years and wished all success in their labors during the coining year fleeting adjourned for one geelt sinning by the benediction by trustee scow croft Pro gramme jan 1839 opening exercises music A lie view of the life of some noted woman mrs marian barton duet misses alice and lizzie blaar eairy the study of history mr keebe dee humorous keading miss lucretia soule assay miss ida packard select reading miss aggie iier ack music Bene dicton |