Show absolutely pure abl powder never carlm A ina velo and more uin uie klaile ud b hold la the ol 01 low alam or onti in cam roupan co 81 ay rt tho ran especially liable sudden colds coughs croup couple etc wo guarantee ackois english a positive curo it badea hourt ot sold by lacobs g T JACOBS S inflammatory and chronic dondici Donl Ici the su tore r cuned AFTER 40 YEARS standing BOLD BT ABO h rii ortA A vocel r r lj FROST rastes rD STES at ftak the A co g ifor fresh proofs just noo elved rn II 11 till lm la lilt it fr and MJ bt ewh 01 card m boat atri ytri io B edun ba 1 bitof 11 tor Colu abr ohio fiur attoa alli 11 dmn r till tin yiu by bt oil bo r E ac crippled rt H rit yin bid in r t t fera I 1 au ua cur tt oil tn ta n joacob CA AT AO tha CHARLES A CO uil JACOBS QS ONCE CURED NO RELAPSE Cilz lial 1832 11 SOT t ur B B lyl aft mr jno n will fit z V i ta ft B baitza baitoa mu ed acil chii chilua tn St IiA bet aklu t arv borri alaan a jtb ft taid a ei aad ami aa alc BOK to UT for haar aln st jt ill OTT tm st beobi oil t tilot bub amb oil arl la ta aloa rudd rU Td n it lla pir lul ald ir in a s M er u na hav hotd BO artara of a foar yu 40 u aaste lac I 1 m rk TW cra AT AMU THE CHARLES A CO Bal Union ud THE CHAS A co BAUD ma ifor l becent CURES COMPLETE 13 ahr ati xi jr it lh of 91 vaa irful bi acad lan BO acy ft w aad bt jual oil cur efti patr onual I 1 no sleep atla ani anin cail Ci il eald lut aprim 1 bl uh pla 0 lp clr lit jacott oil carol dam acil fix 1 wu aba MT ta ua laabi la I 1 lma ciui by ak cheb oil L A iu ciu C AT dealta tui CHARLES A CO ui STOCKE it is the Grea esl q ITOI kopsey bartl Tar tl EtIte AS no mercury no potash or any other mineral poison it itaro maila from lootfy and herbo it I 1 perfectly it 1 abo only naimy known to h that has ever yet cured bowd rotain n alt its it cures mercurial cancer Scrofula anil other blood heretofore it cures nay iliof from impure blood it I 1 now pro calbot crl bot by choul ada of iho belt lu the statch M wo abo of few i 1 I aiato nel 3 S s on ienir cronl evar abil froni tu J N M D ellaville ol 01 OA walto wat walh iwvin yara 1 il B mul loday lo day hu 1 a tit and bor C W 11 D VA dic IS hive ukon maxi for kloud pola it botler than put mil or oy I 1 have ever y M D 0 co V an R J HUB tho well known drug glit ditl of Ciu uly ark writer what B b a 1 of I 1 ci 16 aa the raudy fur 11 klu ili taah it nut stitt the brinit mf bo wo leave a lbook a lili tory of still fand lt cure aroni ajl over aljo world which will you ml w ay la broo oa no fair should bo without it WB hava potion bent oa bania gerim uj a oa wilt ulala valli you by kutrla ceolla aco wo aul wul tokuta oil knowingly for alo bf all ta SWIFT co S atleta ok new yort ti Uru adwar london t nn 31 snow alil JACOBS oil for Soro noss stiffness prompt sura safe recent sore limb Bl bart rt in my u nil bald tn gumbl kaa ack montaj JACOB stiff nock I wu fair 14 ltd my att tid klinl la r akk ur tod tin u by it juoni oil A MI co mm terrible aln 11 nil tw mv virtlo teu old TIT tt tin ua m uta cur uy by it ju ou j uchur abr AT affo crauel THE CHARLES A CO mi aill tx ann 20 oid it my iu troubled with anil irilli for two WB w arr kandi 0 clinic ant linoal anil to iral ir pl 1 ai i ual 10 try your baila S aar flin imil canil tho lii i a halo timid tacy olit lim jut litomy nil bihl in alio homo way mil I 1 nin aba y a oud ant a ir aadil curo M C men aru ma july sath sa th swift our llella arl whon eliut ahro nut 0 o ahn troia noial doctura hut ny uewl S B S mil ty abo nc her ueail a isalt aul by alio tanio arho dakra frix III WM ruiel auw 1 0 ili full nuil hrail of linar 0 rn lutt hi any I 1 fix I 1 it lint tall nali luent 11 T diina n IW tho 0 u ail ifie id ISM blood fultun akl at orco a ho ni tor cr r lly lil I 1 amt to nib lanhard lv hl t wa birc fully erml a I 1 liucc iho ux ta on my faco ul body liick ilot to tore odrun nank ill m I 1 wa in iry S H a tal I 1 to t ant laior brilly aau to arll at my trouble my 14 auw ihor anil my yim frn 1 awo riby ireful conJ ILlona K efm t curato i our I 1 ian hi that who havu u I 1 havo may tio mamo M XI V math st donth LA my swift oo 00 OA about two ct agn y ete wy n ionly I 1 MH elliut I 1 amort d kimbral of cic ever uit wall all thai ll 11 ann rot IndU iced thai I 1 hougil gle a S n trill I 1 thought it atlar borough kiino alny hillh null od 1 inyim uy that B 8 alone curil laiu a J ill guior uhlna it A a tonic I 1 cn ineil it for itla WV LAI LA I know mr W r al that TUM Treat li on anil KL la pauw arro cu unior U MA V U fc RJ ak T ft it u tu U of bu att wa T v imlig fth aft ma ka ftfe w te arte rte M MM ra to w T w na 3 the rope the popes dentist is a monk brother Oreen ilia operating room is on the of alio en tr anceto the anent near ilia fabricius bridge it is a small apartment whose walli ara covered etith ii curea of and dainta the usually delands bis patients against thu wall and under predence pretence pre tence att gellion a better look at the molar bends baik their heads and ins right or belt fiand for lie i on plucks out the cause of the trouble fra is very tall as strong as an ox ait if a 0 iron anfe lie places his fingers on a tooth there ig no word as fall in this 10 methods resemble those bf the dentists no are used in country but the tooth is firmly seized by i the index ahnger and in order to pain tho necessary digital fo yeara in driving in and extracting from hie brollier Brot lier Orsenigo coal miners attention 1 A number it goca coal art wanceil at llie V P coal mines fiock I 1 arties wishing to go loiero cancel a one cent a mile rate by an bibi to W W cluff at coal ville co notice notice ia hereby phen ahat I 1 huo in my possession alie described animals if not claimed and taken away by abe owner or own era hereof within 15 jays from the date of this notice willby sold at public andion to the highest responsible cash bidder as provided by law to wit one light roan steer 3 years oldred ears branded T and L or J combined on right hip ono roil heifer rait eight or ten months old white spot iu lice DO brands salo will take place at the booth weber astray pound friday jau 1839 at 1 p m GEO W diled D jan at south we ber davis caf td to rail merit we are pay ins 90 cents for wheat for oats and DO rents for bailey shuw TEW ja oo 00 of the celebrated iciel coil mined by the joul airon company that be c arbeen bold acre 11 Is elf ibe hekt coal acir lores baloon ta loon elc that ba TT been la IJU at yard st anew bulou depot alm TUB salea anted to ell ou r trl liea 0 baraf new fruit duj alae e new bot tn re alry or botn nillah paid vent 1 I addria Ad drca L L may co anre cu fioriti aud salesmen aal esmen S mauu it il THE aiu li olti frit ipek blab about the ifer W alm wife il it i bo lo 10 lier to cor res poni hoot alv lag rr xIo hi ardiath will be of the ettice i th lata ittu coffey coulty kausas lor JN i NE CURES vor rr ohl jui T nil lufro torM nl yur in tal kii ec juola ou und M clira in aa it aln mor IB im af will u lui BT 1 I u n bohn at nt jetti oil M abow akl attrall Af trAll n ln ba abat faw ftc tia ftp by ator te t uj by ft oil J U Cr arlt lt AT AND huifu A CO balamon Ba lUmon ul lc 0 abe eol c A this lifo arc sorrowful y let aguno w account ol 01 dyspepsia idlers asia tableta will caio dyspepsia IndiK aej constina ion old on a att OF UTAH the kiil STANDARD GAUGE OB ami ar anin DECEMBER the following claie card will taki odilon M ollowa park city anil express 1010 am awl northern ant lapres lp res pm atlantic tt 10 r ni and express 12 oj n la salt fetke city t i bark city and ex t II 11 joani butali northern aej la i fai 1 0 p in atlantic express atlantic and bac ui ax vi it llan trains leaie sail lale cief ml 5 atlantic and U N Vs pross as m axx all Fi preas pm earlc atty and alx lx 11 ank atlantic 00 p a arrive in aej U N m local aco p m bark city and ax press A pacific 1040 p in Sm no 9 am 86 iB no II 11 pm in amt tak AT no 12 8 56 a rn a in no 10 pm passengers Pass engere carried on all trains maxs A t benl rapt JB lay DENVER western ry THE ONIA LINE TO DEN WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS ONLY ONE CHANGE TO CHICAGO current iligio Ili iio liilie atlantic express leave oglena aji pacific arrive acson A aun arrive in ogden 1010 n buffet leap nr can ann CB all oRli trains nn between and SiTi nille ith out extra chargo gereral agent U C general manasr Mana pr DM EM the overland route rie ri e only line the briw juall Thron gli sleepers so ern day coaches to and bom lie 11 boari kiver mm denver cheyenne kansas council blakla omalia Chic araSt louis uj all nebraska colorado ilbo M tana oregon tern tory ami northan coast cointa baggage to til rom all joints east and wal aej made at sli boari esver etith trains oi eastern line nin uail byj T J J first VI omalia olih traina arrive and irom or den juniou depot aa buob no I 1 from omaha kan city and denver 6 as f no omaha ka kai i city and denver ft M f no from park city no 60 from UA N and short line cointa i no accommodation from cache valley 33 no ifor and kansas city no ifor and kansas city 1 oot no for city OO 00 no for U it N and short MOP no cacelie valley accommodation J V PAIt KER D P A Salt lAk JACOBS 01 THE MAYOH tt B more unto many graiff owr t jl M A v A and a arl deairl CHAS CO un oil sl pl free aima A accoe was the oilier day in tho office of lin coin hotel A fanner brought in a fiig in which carefully wrapped iu clean napkins tero nine yellow skinned ducks evidently dressed for the marked with great care the farmer threw the basket on the register book before the gaze of the hotel man and away a tear heaved a beep fici and said 1 I made up iny to kill em the oilier night we all set a by cm there is sally ns pretty a duck as ever imd a web foot and betsy the always slept behind the kitchen stove and john be waa a proud drake and faed to follow me all over the farm and thug the farmer went on up each dead duck in luru calling it by agomo name aej belliny bow wonderful wonder lul a pet it was farmer in conclusion 1 I was a ahola day killing these ducks the hardest job I 1 ever undertook poor things J deverd killed em if we got out of flour |