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Show THE FRELINOHUYSEN BILL. Tho telegraph brinH a flynop.iis of tho l''relinghuYHenbill as reported from tho ucnatc judiciary oomuiittco on Hat-urday, Hat-urday, which will bo found in another column. That committee is composed of (Jcorge R Kdtuuudd, Koscoo Conk-linR, Conk-linR, Matthew Carpenter, K. T. Frel-inhujHon, Frel-inhujHon, John I'ool, Gcorgo C Wright and Albert C Thurmao. Edmunds, Ed-munds, Carpenter and Thurman arc lawyers of lirst-olass reputation, and il" thoy consented to such a measure it must have boon with tho understanding understand-ing that overy prtnciplo of liberty was to bo deliberately violated that the Mormons might bo made tho sort's ol' tho "ring" whioh aims to "rulo or ruin" in those valleys. As reported, Iho U. 8. marshal has only to carefully pack hiti hundred men from which juries aro to he summoned iu all civil and criminal cases, and from which Brand juries aro to bo drawn, and he can predict iudietmontH, convictions or verdicts, in advauoo of necunations being mado or suits planted, with the certainty of a mathematical proposition. In fact tho entiro disposition of all caus-Ofl, caus-Ofl, civil and criminal, will bom his handy. Wo morcly state what is notorious and known to everybody in Salt Like who is at all acquainted with a class of recent importations, when wo say thai tho United States marshal can, in this city alono, select a hundred lima any ouo of whom will cut a throat, convict au innocent person uccused of crime, givo any dosirod verdict, or tako the it ami and swear as directed for three dollars a day, and wlunky. Wc do not say that ho will select such men, but wo do say bo oan do it, if ho is so disposed; dis-posed; and human naturo is confessedly confessed-ly weak in these piping times of get-ing get-ing money by any available means. ll'urt,hormoro)tlio bill disincorporates all cities in Utah, and not only repeals a whole lot of the acts of tho Utah log-islaturo, log-islaturo, somo of which, if wo mistake not, wero repealed by tho legislature itself, but it virtually abolishes all local legislation, would produco chaos out of order, and mako Siberia a moro de-dirablo de-dirablo residence lor any body of law-abiding law-abiding citizens ; than tho Territory of Utah. It is supposed tho hou-o of representatives repre-sentatives will not act on this bill, and if tho judiciary of that chamber oan report any greater enormity wo shall bo very much surprised indeed. |