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Show co.Vo u tsi o:n"al. Senate. Washington, 17. The Goat Island bill was reported without recommendation recom-mendation and placed on the calendar. Mortn rrpjrted the evidence in the Caldwell case, with a resolution declaring de-claring tiat ho was not legally elected. Logan indicated his dissent from the report. The House bill authorizing an increased in-creased issue of twenty-five million national bank notes, in states having less than their proportion of circulation, was rejected. Antnony announced his dissent also from the majority report in the Caldwell Cald-well case. The special committee investigating in-vestigating the charges of bribery in the late senatorial election in Kansas, obtained ob-tained leave to sit during the session of t he senate, Stewart introduced a bill, granting Nevada one million acres of public lands for common school purposes, the lands to be selected by the btate and i disposed of to actual settlera in lieu ot the loth and 2ord sections heretofore granled for the same purpose. Nye. from tke committee on Territories, Territor-ies, reported favorably on the bill authorizing tho Teiritories to select and sell two sections of land in each township town-ship for school purposes. j.ne consiuerswou oi me uavai appropriation appro-priation bill was resumed, the question being the motion to strike from the amendment adopted in committee of the whole lhat relating to retired naval officers offi-cers and tho part giving them increased pay. The motion was lost and the original ori-ginal motion was concurred in, and the oill pafsed. Morton gave notice that he would call up the report of the election committee in the Caldwell case on Saturday next. Adjourned. HO I SB. Armstrong Introduced a bill to enable tho people of the Territories to elect theirgovernors and otborTerritorial otliee otli-ee rs. A bill was introduced to pay the col-lgo col-lgo of William and Mary, Virginia, ?uj,OU0 for the destruction of property during the war. Tha rules wore suspended sus-pended and tho bill passed, 111 te 75, under suspension of the rules. Tho bill to encourage and prcmote telegraphic communication between America and Asia was passed, lliti to 6o. Tho bill authorizes the American Kast Indian telegraph company to construe: con-strue: and maintain lines of telegraph, or submarine cables, on the Pacific Coast to connect on the American and Asiatic coasts, provided tho company shall begin be-gin to lay the cable within two years; and providing thalone or more government govern-ment steamers may be detailed to aid tho work. Tho rules wero suspended, 133 to 66, and the senate bill for tho further endorsement en-dorsement and the support of agricultural agricul-tural colleges was taken up. Price of-lered of-lered a sub.-titute, with a provision that for every live hundred dollars annual income nccruing to any college, there shall be one free scholarship; and when- ever tne annual income reacnes any i thousand all tuitions of the college shall be free. The substitute was agreed to and the bill passed. Adjourned. |