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Show lit HARD OFFERED, ' The fulIowioK offer of reward for the murderer liennou was received over the Dicret wire: I!ran, February Itf, I ST't- One thousand dollar reward will bo paid fur the apr'reheneino of Charlt-8 A. HenHon. ot Luian, tor the murder of David W. Crockett, which wn t-r r;-tra'ed r;-tra'ed in Logan city, E'-b. M'h, 17 i, at 'J p. m. 'lhu -aid CLarli'H A. H'fio ifl about five leet rvi;ii inches high, of hoiiie-wbat hoiiie-wbat car:d' euuj plexioo, bharp, .lull, darki:d.-aray or brown eyes, dark-brown hair, b'lW-lt.-Ke'i, rather etout built, about tl,irti-!ivo years of age; aii'l had on at. thtj time of iiA escape a brown eurduroy coat and brown pants. A. C'wi'-'K fc'fT, Shvrilf, Cache county. |