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Show T-it vtkk t"MiiU. lwo doors south r 'ii..ml lisink, up flair. UR.Nn , ..fv .v.'t.,- Uv. F. b. l-:h. BKST i s Vl'.ANCISl'-O TALK. ST. thin-in ptirf'jrmsm-n to otTVnd ttie m.-T fi-ii'Ji-'"'. A.lrnitiion -jOc . : re-kttcI re-kttcI .--.:$, Louk I"t llr&is Band in fr-ilit. KlUiiALL Uh'U., H Proprietors. Thfjie .m:e dip -tiros in tlio W. U. t.-lrpraph t :Vi for Jlo. ilvil, W. L JVUrd, acti L. (I. Mahew. Y a iT i eh r.i'i tho Spric?- C'n wven, n !( liiil (jilt"Tt Vtin-L li'jonh il i-v S..-nc'.T, no lunr connoc-l-il with trio Summit Cal Co. All orJtTs uil be rcciwd by thy undr- W. F. I'.ft.uiya, Agent. Hffic with Major Hir.l, fW Over ilr. Colbrouk'i, Main st. Tag Hkkald bindery turns out work expeditiously. All work wr-r)tt:J. wr-r)tt:J. flo Us-. SuuwiLL, Scavenger for the Tuk Last Art Union drawing at the Pioneer Art Gallery will come oil' on the- lilt in;t. A few names wanted to complete the list- The pictures aro now on exhibition. flolw For Hale'. Top Union Seed, in lariro or su.sll quantities- uppiy to Anion Call, bountiful janl'J Everybody says that our ono dollar pictures aro the cheapest in town, ii ow's tho time lo decorate your walls. Pioneer Pio-neer Art Gallery. f5 lw Tk.v Well packed rooms of furniture for sale, by il. JJiuwoodoy. nlO Uuy tuk Imperial Oil 160 tiro test, the purest and 8iife.it oil in tho market. no9 LIGHT, Limit, Liirht. Livo no longer in tho dark. 0,000 gallons of H EST OIL just received at KEESE &, Co'b. dlo Last Ykak'h Magazines and Periodicals Period-icals neatly and expeditiously bjund at the Hkkald Hook Hindkry. fill For tuk Stay? or Lirt, also cakes buns, cruekers, and pure homo mado cuiulv, whole. ilo and retail, go to tho ULOBK bAlvEKY. ja23 Empty Harkki.ls for salo alitor, ton's; old "City Liquor Store.'' fl Yon Can got your Magazines and I'oru'dicals bound on short notice at the Hkkald biMiKRV. Terms reasonable. f ia (Ml is selling at retail at the Pioneer Lamp Store, as follows: Common brands t'Oe. per gallon. 'r.'Wii standard 7i per salloo. Imperial loO iirotet 75o. per gallon. noJ For Parlor Puts in endless variety. Call at Joiti.aoN'i, Groea beck's bui;"t-feT j UK Ghirardelli's EAGLE HOCO-I HOCO-I LATE. It is tho best. jl j Coal, Coal, Coal, by the Ton or single hundred weighL, delivered, or at I tho yard, o7 Commercial Slrett, and at the Kailroad Depot. HOOl'Eli, tlAWKINS & Co. j7 Gknuink Exulisu Gin at Morton's; old "City Liquor Store. fl Ask your grocer for Ghirardelli's CHOCOLATE and COCOA. d& Children Cry for MeLain s Candied Castor Oil and Candied Vermifuge Bonbon. Bon-bon. They aro delicious medicines, and warranted harmless. I'rieo 'Jo cis. For sale by L. C. M. I. and all other Druggist. dl CcnvKi-tionrrs call for GIIlRAil DKLL1 S COCOA VASTE. -4 i SftLLtsa off Cheap, Ladies' and Children's Shoes at cost. J. iavne, 2nd South Streei. fWb'J Epizootic.- Din woodey's mules have got ii, but his oien have not ; therefore he still delivers furniture free of charge, nit) LIGHT for the World. 10,000 gallons gal-lons of .FLUID arrived at Kksse & Cos. dlo Ghirardelli's California Eaols Chocolate is a most nutritious beverage. bever-age. 3 Grass Canyon Coal delivered at $10.50 per ton. f 11 A Splendid new stock of Colored Leathers, Cloths, Papers, and other binding materia), just received at the IIkrald Bindery. fib Caution to the Traveling Public: Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, tho junction of tho Union Un-ion Pacific and Central Pacilic railroads, you Ehould know whero a first-class hotel can be found, and where the bustle and noise of tho engines may be avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable house where the danger of tire, which is apt at any lime to occur at the depots, is averted. The town of Ogden is ha f a mile frem the dep )ts, and in the business part of the will find one of tho most comfortable hotels in Utah, tho Oudkk Uousk. It is well known throughout America and Europe, to be one of tho coziest and cleanest hotels in Utah. Tho Ogden House keeps carriages which are in attendance at-tendance upon thd arrival and departure depar-ture of all trains, to convey paseengers to and from the depots, free of charge. It is a two-story brick building, and built expressly for the accommodation of guests. The Ogden Houso employs r.o runners, but employs a porter to assist as-sist ils patrons and Lake charge of their baggage. All visiting Salt Lake City will find it to their advantage on returning re-turning to take tho evening train and come to Ogden, thus saving the annoy-acceof annoy-acceof rising at 4 o'clock iu the morning. morn-ing. ja24. H. Diswoodky is doing a lively business in furniture, and guarantees satisfaction in prices and quality to all that buy of him. hIO Grass Canyos Coal delivered at $10.00 per ton. f H KxcklsiorCoau from Kocfc Springs Bitter Crwk- Little waste; strong heat, very small trace of sulphur. Leave orders with J. W. S.NELL, Idaho Store. Call at WOOLF'S Gents' Furnishing Furnish-ing Store, two doors north of Salt Lake House, and see the old suspenders thrown oil" for tho Ce'ebrated Pivot Action Brace and Susponder, the best made. f 13 Thk Hbrald Bindery has an excellent excel-lent book-binder, but he is not a good book keeper. Your books will be returned re-turned noatlvbourd in a few davs. f 13 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Admiral Nelson Tunnel and ,Mln-liitf ,Mln-liitf Compnuy, Loe:ui'n of work.-, Emma Hill, Link- Cot tan wood Minins District, Suit L:iko County, I'th Territory. Principal placo of business, in tho city of dan Francis oo, California. Notice is hereby siven. that at a moetinc of tho Hoard of Truteas of said Company, hold on tho JTih day cf January A. D. s..;, an assessment as-sessment often Cents per sharo was levied upon the capital slock of tint corporation, payable immediately in United .States cold and silver coin, to tho Secretary of the Company, Com-pany, at his office, No. California street, in tho city of San Francisco, California. Any stock upon which said assessment jhall remain unpaid on Saturday, the Mh day of March, A. D. is. !, wijl bo delinquent, and will bo duly advertised for sale at public auction, auc-tion, and unless payment shall bo mado bo-foro, bo-foro, will bosold on Monday, tho ;tlst day of March, A. D. lf7,i, to pay tho said delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of tho Board ol Trustees. R. II. SIXTON, Secretary-Offico Secretary-Offico 2o. California street, San inin-cisco. inin-cisco. luL "UTAH FIRE-BRICK CO." W. U. CHISHOLM, C. W. BEXXKTT, President. 1 Ti eas. A Sec'y. Wsi. T. MATHEWS, Superintendent. Capital Stotk, $30,OOO. Wo manufacture at Salt Lake City and Lchi. Mako Fire-Brick, Firo-Cocont, Front (band-pressed! Building lirick, Stovo Brick, Crucibles, ltetort, Ac, Ac.j Raw material not surpassed in any part of the world. o use Lchi, Bingham and othor clavs. i. i. .u;iHt.' mo iipeuntUDucHi uas una over thirty year etpcrienco l'laco of works in Suit L:io Cit r. near Jnhn-fon's Jnhn-fon's Sami lii's Works uii'uo Xo. Main Street. C. W. Bennett's oilico.l Wo wi 1 furnish Firo-Brick and all firo material ma-terial cheaper than they e.in bo imported, and of better quality. Wo invito all furnaco men to call. .tiro-Bricks mado to plan, Orders soliciiod. fobl Our Mr. MATHEWS is agent for S. B, Munson, Jun., & Co.'s Patent Comma ted Metalic Shinnies, Iron Kuunng, Corru-attd Iron too-s. Shutters, etc., etc. Manuiactored at Chicago, Illinois. Specimens can bo seo at tho office of the Company, whero contracts can bo mado C. W. BBNXEfT, Sec SnilMA SLUILIBIIS I'LUANllR HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. HWE PROVED. FROM TUK MOST auiplooxierienco,an entiro success: Cranio Cra-nio p, nipt Eilicient and Iteliablo. They aro tho only medicines perfectly adapted to popular uso-so simple lhat mistakes can not bo made in using them; so harmless as to bo froo from danger, and so oihciunt as to bo always reliable They havo raised tho highest high-est commendation iroia ail, and will always ran dor salisXactkn. tfos. Conta. 1 Mvri, Congestion, Inflnmmations-25 ' ' Worm, Worm Fever, Worm Colic. ..i 5 " Crylni;-CUeor teething of lnf.mU...ia 4" llnrrim:-,of Children or Adults. ...Li5 5" Dyneutcry, Griping. Bilious Colio.-.l 5' I'ltotom-Murbus, Yo niking.. 5 7' " I'miU. Colds, Bronchitis s' " ISt-uriilgl, Toothache, Facoaoho...25 Qt " llonttiiclics, Sick Headache, Vcriko S 10, " Ij'iiici"n' Billious Stomach 111 " fSiiiiiir;"ii or l'ainful Periods i5 111! " Whites, too Profuse Periods 5 13 " 4'i-onpi Couh, Difficult Breathing 25 nj " Silt Klieum, Erysiielas, Erupt ions. Jio lo' " Kliemuniiitm, Khcumatic l'ains...5 16 " Fever and Ague, ChiU Fovor, Amies 50 17 " Pile, blinder bleeding .....aO IS " opUtlilamyt andsoro or weak ' Eyos 50 19 ' ('ninrrli, acutcor chronic Intluenuk.oU " WUooplug-Cougli, violont co uk us -50 21 " At" opprossod Breathing Jti j' tar lUnvlinrgci, impaired " hearing 50 1 XS " Ncrot'ttln, onlarod stands, Swoll- inp 60 4, " General Debility, physical woaK ness 50 Uro)' and scanty Secretions .r0 -j,; St-n-Stc kuei sickness from riding. .' "7' " jiiiluty-IHst'nsf) Gravel aO scrvo" Itebliily, Scmlnul ' " F.inmlsslons, involuntary Due barges 10O Five U with one S- yial of lewder, very necossary in serious ser-ious c:isc? 5O0 '! ' Sore Hoiil Canker M. " 1 rlmvry Weakness, welting bed.-50 il " lliilil I'eilotls, with s-paalUS t- " MilU-rliife- at change of life 1U0 t.llr -, Spasms, at. Vitus' Dance 109 '14 " Dlii)icvln, ulccraied sore throa.t....00 f-AMiLY LAiCi Of a.r (o OU Urf; vial., nioroci'ii in- rosi w "'' tne, couliiliilKK "I't'it'lc lur rttry oxlliinry tllsense n fiiutl- Is mbjeet lo. mid buoki of illrociion,...frum S1U to 935 Smaller Family and Trnvrl- litK casiM, with Ji to vials, fromS5 to SB Sr-ilio fT all Prlvn.e lU-cn.is, lU-cn.is, both forCrlii. and f.r I'rc vtnilvc treatment, ui viaii and Pocket case? S'-J to $3 I'oml's Kxiracl, Curd Burn, Brulsfd, L.a ix r ti-km. Sort' una, Dure I'll rout , .Spi n I lis, I'ddI Hm- lie, Kn rnc lie, Kruiuliiln. Khnimiil l-m. I.u mini art, ! 1 1 r , llo 1 1 n. Ml lit;, Sore K i". lllcctltm- of i lie l.uiiK. i.r, Moiimcli, or ot PLLcaj Curu, I ltei', Old sorcn. 1'rlre, 0 oi 3U cents) Pints, 91.00 Quart. 91.13. oTne5-o reme-.lie?. except POND'S F.X-TRACT. F.X-TRACT. by the case or sirglo bx, are sent to any part .'f tho coui-try. by mini or cipre--. free of charto, on receipt of tho price Ad- Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. OlTico and Depot, No. 5- Broadway, Kst YobE. FOR SALE BY ALL DRl'GGiSTS, And t L- C. M. I- and Godbe's Dni St ore. WHITE LEAD ! ito 172 R.vxnoLPn sTr.r.i:T. O'-t Si '-ial nJ .'03;f:: to buy aaJ ta. Jtct X."do t l'th luxiu.-y First National Bank OF UTAH, SALT 1.AKK CITY: DESIGNATED DBPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGBNT OF THIS UNITED STATES. WiUU OrosiT. rrwionnw Atkot Gooaa. Cuaier. Authorised CapluU, - - 50 0,060 PAID CP CAPITAL., - iaOtOOO. ISGS, - tl3o.OOU. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cant. Oldest Binkwg Jnstitvtijn rn Utah. A. General Jl.mkinc BninoM Trannftcted, Aonvcins is Colorado and MONTANA COLLECTIONS FV.PTLY ATTENDED TO. INTF-RT A.rnw:r OS TIMR DKPOSITS 06 I si in x-io !! JrS?! :' ",-':. -r T..ir.?..r oM. iii.iKo rc re ::; ,r. : r., ' r -J ,n 1 1.' it M..ire lui.ir.T.J, r.'.-tia;". :r,M at a n :r,g ei5. i'artie- j;r :rv Aijoss ti. UAn it Co., p. rt- ui. itaico. ji j U '''OLD . y GUARANTEED PERFECTLY PUB! AND OF THE HICHEST CRADE. MANSFIELD & ATCHISON WHOLESALE AGENTS, SALT LAKE CITY Agent In I'tali for Pinet, Castillon & Co.'s COGITAC. Cliai-los lleilick.'s CHAMPAGNE. URBANA WINE COMPANY, AND DEALERS; IX: CALIFORNIA WINES, ENGLISH & SCOTCH ALES fc rORTER, BAR GLASSWARE, etc. DIPORm'T PSTltm7!! WHY ? WHY ? WHY 2 Why are tho Sales of the Mason & Hamlin ORUAIYS LARGER THAN TUK COMBINED Sales of sll i he other Ten Makers offered in the Territory ? Because t heir Brilliant and Be-wiichiDK Be-wiichiDK Tones entrance the mind of tho listener. BECAU8K all tho principal MUSICIANS MUSI-CIANS aod J UD(iES pronounce them THE BEST. Because hey hive stood ihe Test of this trying Climate for more ihaa Twelve i'ears. Because they are ALWAYS recommended re-commended by Purchasers. Because they have Dcver been SURPASSED OR EQUALLED By any Red Orpana in THE WORLD. TeatlmonlKli from Local Clinician and Judges. Of all thevariotiw or Or-nswith which wo are ac juainioi. we unhoaitatinc y recommend recom-mend tho MASON Ji H AMlIN urpans as the UK6T and saro lo give iiurcliasors porlVut satisfaction. JOS. IL RIDGES, Design or and Buildor of the Salt Lako Ureal Organ, UKO. CARELESS, Conductor of tho Tabernacle Taber-nacle Choir. ORSON PRATT, Jrn.. Toachor of Music, and Orpaniat of Caiholic Churoh. MARK CROXALL, Captain of Salt Lako Brass Band. C. J. THOMAS, Conductor of Theatro Orchestra. J. M. CHAMBERLAIN, Toachor of .Music and Organ Ul E. BEESLEY, Captain of Martial Band. C, Y. TAGOART, Piano Tunor. TestiMonials from moro than Fivs Hundred I'ureliajora, including our most prominent cilUcnS) can bs had on application lo CALDER & CARELESS, 37 EAST TEMPLE STREET. SALT LAKE CITY, Fresh Mince Pies EVER It ;DAY ,at WALLACE'S. FRESH CREAM CAKES Every Day at WALLACE'S, FRESH MARRANCS Every day at Wallace'. FRESH rOMD CAKES Every day at WALLACE'S. FRESH BUNS Every day, at Wallace'. LICORICE LOZENCES, The Beit Thins; fir Coughs and Cold's, for Sale only at WALLACE'S IRST SOUTH STREET. SALT Mc. CITY jei- mm. CHEAP BOOTS UO TO Taylor & Cutler's AS THEY ARK Cl.OSIXl! OIT TIIEIK WINTER STOCK VERY LOW. CHARTER OAK COOKING STOVES CHEAPER T11AX AS Y OTHER UOl'SE IN TOWN. A FULL 8TOCK OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS WHICH THEY ARE 01FERINO SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ON. Groceries AS LOW IX PRICE AS THE LOWEST. 2i lb Cans fresh PEARS and PLC MS 35 cents. TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. FURS WANTED. Highest Cash Price Paid fir Furs. AL-0 Uivao Cican Wholesale RettiL THOMAS CARTER. At Sitrl Bns, aader SaJt Lks flou. CHICAGO TRADE J . W. BUT LER & CO., .Maaura.-fjrc.-i aid Wbolae PAPER DEALERS, OVFICE ANP WFT ?IPE TvVE: ia 'it Souih Jt?fron Street. ?-"'l"TlI i;Tr,E ST'iKE: &. 327 Sim Sirect, CHICAGO. lar l'.iri.. Hta-: i:;; Papers. Pa-pers. T-r.t ani lr r.iv. jacl i, n. imirrws & roM Kili. ICS 4 ITO Slate Sired, Opposite Taimer's iiraad IKicl, a H X C -A. Q o , SCHOOL, CHURCH OFFICE FURNITURE, OLOBEi, C1IA1HS of all stylos. School OutHno .Maps. Chart", ete. Evpr"thinc in tho way of St-ho 1. College or Church Fixtures at l.ono.-i Cush i'rico. end.i'or illiiitrattHi Cat.ilo u and Pric Li.t to A. U. A.NUKKWj. i CO. di M. D. WELLS & CO, MiDQfMtoi.ri ofudWolu. Dm. Is Boots aad Shoes. 618 Wahasb Ava, Chlc((o. M. D. Walls, U.J. Mao Tartan a. BonedioU V. Molntyra, PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers ana Dealers ia LEATUEB AX1) FIXUIXtiS "OLD CITY HOTEL CORNER." Cornfli of viatj.nd Lako streets. W. W. Pso. Bolton. CI11I AWO, cTl"Cof iojlS 'The Old Salamander.'" REMOVA1J VAN SCKAACS, STEVENSON & REID, Wholssale DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Have removed 10 thoir New Stires, 9 ane - LAItK STKKUT, curner Liearbort rttrocl.un tne old Mte) itliauo, wbore with bmldiORB erected expressly tor th-buines. th-buines. Steam Elevators. .. they hav openeil up an immeneo Stock, u&auniasaf in toe northwest. Si-ecial attonlion given to Torritf-rii basin ess. FIELD, LE1TER & CO., lUl'ORTKSS 5D JO BURRS Of DRY GOODS AND CARPETS MADISON AN8 lUHKEI STH.tTS, C XI I C j3l C3r O . LiHGKSX STOCK AND LOWJ5ST l'UIOES GOARANl'EKD. Special Attention Given to Orders. dis R. CL.T proTT. B.ovi.f;-o.. W. H. ovisoroH. 1- J. uvisuiofl. Scott &. Ovington Bro's, ! Imrortors, Wholesale and Retail 1 Ucalorn in crickery. in, m: PVKIAN, BRONZK, VLATED WAIlE, LAMPS, LTTLKRY, MllUiOJtS, Ac, No. 210 West Madison St., Chicao, I1L Wedding and Holiday CJlfls. Ulaas and China Made to Ordr. OVLNOTON TlUnTMKK';.?!". 24". ?'-0 A 2.32 Fult.in Mri'ci. liroutljn. .V 1. Rue Do I'aradi- A. i'nri. S-iuih Side I'lTire with SnmMwT WJ'"! "von'rltwrnj-"u! 11? oAVAtrL. Manas sr. n N. MATSON & CO., Iini.orters and Whole-ale Dsslcrs in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry and Silverware, Con MADINOJI ntHHDK ST., CHICAGO, ILLS., Orpoito P.lm.r's Ijriiii'l LloUi!. HEERINO'S PATtNT CHAMPION FlUCand HI RGI.Mt riKMiF &.ipm s ! The'Sest Scfis ia lie Yi'sr.d I HERRING be CO.. Vj State F'rerf, an'l corner 1 I'h Ptrco and Indian Avenue, CHICAGO. d7 . as Birpins! Espns! Bargains I LIDDELL i CROWN U.i-e.uM roceiri cocsiftmoct. of GENT ' CLOTHING, I 1T.Y GOO' S. KLAXKKTS nd NOTIONS, "hicli they h.ro is-tr rUcss to cK-M oat REGARDLEST'CF COST- They have als rct1v,d a itlecdad lie Of STAPLE & FANCY . GROCERIES &PH0YI)!0NS, hk-h they are jeios CHCAPER 'han the CHEAPEST. P.a'l :,: - a place, XuK tllofthe ToS' 0FFICB n.rl f7'&" e71 aecer; 73 Mbili Avmiir, nmr Kaudolpa, CHIO.-.ao, ILL., I' R.' T KMKtlRS iip 'i-''-' ,"t"r"' '-'rr- 'tinf woods. ' lh's Ur'sesi'uoj;, kn ih.'w wl'! JOHN V. FARWELL & Co WHOLESALE; NOTIONS, DRY GOODS. . n n "W OOLENS. Largest Stock Wast of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. I mrtA HAMLIN. HALE & CO., WHOLKSALE DKALES3 a DRV GOODS, MTIOXS, WOOLENS, AND HOSIERY, coaxu or madison a- frank us st r sets, :ohioaoo. W TORI QU0TA1I0NS ALWAYS FOLLOWH, el TOIL! I'lllL!! COAL!!! I UK PI-CLIO Alit: II KUERT XOTU'lED that I am the olo Avni lor the Grass Canyon C-al in alt Lake Cnuntj liuieia em oblain thii s-kndid Coal by the ton or oar load by Bodying to me, at t-hoihoe ol Joi. A. Young, Salt Lake CiLT- C. J. Lkb, Salwman U-C.R B.Pepot. 11- U. I'ARK. P. 0. Poi, lantf GROCERIES. I AM NOW KKLP1XO A FL'LL STOCK GEOC ERI ES In conneclioD with my Gri'tvixa, eto. Which I am dcU-riuiiioJ ti SELL AS CHEAP TUB CXI iA-lBSTr ST. LOJ1S HAMS, BACON, LA HI), AND CAS Mil) GO0P3 ' Just ncLlved. , i Also a Larp,' Stock of Grass, Xcrq-taMo Xcrq-taMo and i-'luwcr SEBDS. CALL AND SEE TUKM. N.U. V . quantity of TJlah GHAIN wnntoii tur Call, iT KNOWLDEN'S, 0Kipito WolPe. Fnrgo i Co., WEST Slim MAIN STIIKICT, P.U.T LAKi: CI I Y. VtV TI-DTSPEPTIO COMPOUND BONK-SHT TILL3 Home-made aLd tmrsly Tsgetabls, Die? rlire J aiiru'lne. lr't-"l''a. IHirM- K l ltl'lf ttM v"uB,Stn,i,.,.0. -,l'l 'lT. N -JP C-ldo. PTr. :uthK ri'j I'oril; tljr Ul.-d. Tr,ej -ill Clh.t 'hr M-mnz-h. H-:i"'m ail pj w'.t Vl.t'-r i. t, TrT b... Y"0 UK. th-ii..mn I f,-v.. .nl i,t "th-r t'.n, Thej i Iodic, Cathartic end Jij pee-to pee-to rant. Twt7-6'e--i'.i.-rl-i-Tw-'T ve Pill. Wdrra.'i: lo fiio tif (eetion. J. K. jyilSOfi Oeraf Ula AnH ild st 7!in' C-rrrTAlW atrW( 1,1 l,-r tt,r tfu.., Trriu... l -"Irt at 'n-.l-1l. .,r ' irni.l eH otl ot.m-toil"ii ot.m-toil"ii ( t f !'"nntli,Bnt lllnuinaj. r--nm - uf t w,,.- T. ri"r JOU i nsroaaAi te e; aj th aa U o&Mj |