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Show i A Legal Abomination. Who will not concur with the San Francisco Aka in the following? It is a well known fact that the Mormons Mor-mons dUl:ke litigation amont: their own pooty, and ue all the influence of their pubac opinion to compel persons in dispute about property rights to settle them by arbitration, but general attention has only lately been caiied to a Mormon statute which tries to convert con-vert actorr.jys into scents for the ad uiini.-tratiou of justice; and an attempt nas te:'o mide to arou-e the indicna- I tion of the lawyers 3gnin-t Mormons I tor that reason. An act of the L'tah I :or;s Jtti-'e n quires every lawyer to I -resent a!; :he in tpr;al facs of the case I to tLe e--'::t in which be appears! Was ever - an abomination heard "f K:otc ! -b-1 'ii ot compelling a lawyer to tea '-l. whoie treth ! At-surd At-surd ! It's worse than absurd; it's poi-uvely poi-uvely mooitrous ! |