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Show tt- W. U.'l'eloKrai.h.) TIIK S'IKAMKU JAPAN S liJUU POX CASKS. San Francisco, 17. Tho board of health to-day decided to permit the steamer Japan to cjme to the wharf as soon as all her Chinese passengers are removed to the hulk which the company com-pany will send to the quarantine ground to receive them. They are being vaccinated vac-cinated by the sureeon of the ship aud the health officer's twelve assistants, while the passengers in the bteerage will be allowed to remain on board the steamer. The crew will not be permitted permit-ted to come ashore at tho wharf. All the patients have been removed to the pest houe and no new cases have broken out. The steamer .Japan will i be thoroughly cleansed aud fumigated i... . !, .. ftr tl,n va line. Most of her cargo consists of tea and silks which will bo shipped overland over-land by rail. The company has no oiher steamer to tako her place in the lino but it is not believed she will bo detained beyond her regular time for departure |