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Show Berjjh tnw waaui to abolish bul-chers. bul-chers. Switzerland Laj au agricultural society. so-ciety. Utiea people are aeeu?d of wearing enow-plows t'-?r uvershotv. A Michigan ujajfiatrate granted hiuiselt'a divuree last wetk. Philadt-'lphia want more hotels for the coming centennial festival. New Orle-iuf pays h.-r coroners from f-'o.WU to i J,w:), p:r antiuui. The colored members uf the Ucorgia legislature will Hait a new paper. Five live tithes were nce'itly eDt by mail from Maples to tlic L'ryela! i'al-aeo i'al-aeo aquarium. The Chrisdan young men of Albany have raised a sutii'jium subacriptioo to pay their debts. Canada experiences a growing desire de-sire to become annexed neighbor to the United States. An Iowa paper boasts of weathor "cold enough to make an arctic bear wear pulse warmers." One of the prisoners at Siog Sing magnanimously invented the lock now in use there to prevent any one from boltiDgi Cincinnati manufactured 11,03S,S29 gallons of whisky last year, but no ods 1 has been able to tind out how much lager. Napoleon was buried with two wed-diog wed-diog rings upon his left hand. Ono was his own, and the other Was his uncle's. It is considered a pood jnkc in.Tancs-ville, in.Tancs-ville, Wis., to stiuk a suiul!-pox flag in front ul' your neighbor's house in the night. Boston grieves fur a colored fortuneteller fortune-teller named (Jhloc Ivon.ion, who died thero last Tuesday, aged something over a century. Columbia, Ky., having closed up her rum shops, now wages war on the liquor traffic by forbiddiug temperance societies. Chicago reporte that a thirty year-old year-old chuncory suit haa terminated in awarding to a Mr. Robinson, of that ilk, tho snug little sum of $25,0U0,-000. $25,0U0,-000. Thero is a new law in Arknsas, against carrying concealed weapons, aod now tho cut-throats wear thoir pistols in a strap outside their clothing- Among the articles from America to bo cshibited at tho Vienna Exposition, Exposi-tion, is a log of black walnut, llio largest over grown, Bis feet in diameter dia-meter and eightecD feet long, which was cut in Missouri, aud weighs seven tons. A Danbury man was explaining to his wife, Sunday morning, how his mother used to cook pancakes, when Bhe interrupted him with the bailer -pitcher, lie is now experimenting with a new kind of Balvc Kansas is proud of tho precocity of a now town called Sargent, which, though barely a fortnight old, has fcnt to market moro than 8,000 buffalo hides, and had three murders committed com-mitted within iu limits. Ono of tho Ohio representatives roso 1 up tho other day and moved for a law to prevent any more babies from being named John Smith, but the thirteen John Smiths around him threw bo many inkstands at him that ho had to sit down. Thero was si pious old Pump in Nulfok, W lm ucleii ill alucks iiiLlo errutfe, Ami swuro on liis llio TIipv bolongL'd to hla wife This suk-uiu old l'ump up in Nulicl, |