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Show The ;'i:i:t!ciiii:D who signed the pro-tes: pro-tes: to the . -jailed '"bar memorial," ought to fu:l complimented at the manner in which Mr. Gould refers to them in the following dispatch: Hah, Lik-, February 11. Teleprams yeiiii-rduy from Washington state a private dispatch from Salt Like a protect niim(.Tou.dy signed by members of the Utah bar will be sent immediately immedi-ately to the President and congress, denying the allegation of the late memorial me-morial ot the bar of Salt Lake, refer; to a secret tchemo of a few Monitor, attorneys, who were assisted by apos tate C entiles, or, us better knovn Jack Mormon. Tho whole a'iair ii put up by Apostle Cannon, ami wil be readily explained by delegates Clag gett and Mcrritt. Tho signers of tin la to memorial of tho Salt Lako bar comprise, it cannot he denied, tho mot prominent lawyers of this Territory a majority of whom aro Democrats and some lormeny eymphatmzcrs witn tho Mormon cause. I Has anybody bat Gouid heard of tho following, which was telegraphed last Thursday to tho press: Salt Lako, Feb. 13. A newspaper and job nil'ieo is threatened with suit for publishing obsceno literature, in having printed to order, in pamphlet form, some of the sermons of lirigham iounj.-. Tho offensivo matter was printed verbatim, and is tho exact language of tho prophet. It ia incredibly incred-ibly vile. The Journal says that congress con-gress should appoint an investigating commiitee on tho Mormon tithiog-fund tithiog-fund to ascertain what disposition has been made of the largo sums of money sent to Washington, and whatmcmbcrB of congress aud what senators aro ro-tained ro-tained in tho sorvico of tho Mormon church. lrigham's Credit Mobilicr at tho national capitol is worse than Oukcs Ames'. Wi hayc been requested to "let uP a littlo on Mr. Gould, lost ho should becomo moro outrageous in bis proas dispatches. As wo aro merely republishing repub-lishing somo of his "news" with littlo comment, if ho can become any moro outrageous than ho ia, why, let him go it. The following,' being tho la'.ost to hand of tho pross agent's lucubrations, concludes our quotations this morning: Salt Lake, Feb. H. Iho snow storm of the last few days on the Wasatch Was-atch division of the Uuion Pacific road, continues with great severity, but the big snow plows drivo through everything, every-thing, and not a singlo passenger or freight train has been detained. Tonight To-night all trains aro on time, and passengers pas-sengers are cuthusiastic in their praise of; he road and its management. Quite a largo number of saints aro leaving for the new Mormon settlement in Arizona. Somo of them of high worldly degree regard their call wi:h ill-souccalcd dissatisfaction, and are hall'-ineliuod to rebel. There is considerable con-siderable remonstranco, but tho church orders are imperative and unalterable. Utah affairs at Washington are the all-engrossing subjects of publio attention. atten-tion. Tho Mormons profess the utmost, ut-most, nnnfulnniui in l.hoir ability to dv feat tho efforts of tho administration, not only at present but in tho future. The church organs ignore, as far as possible, tho polygamy question. Del-egato Del-egato Hooper s efforts ore thought, evon by the Mormons, to bo very weak. Apostle Cannon is mo3t depended upon, and Brigham makes issue through him alone. |