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Show IBy W. TJ. Telefrarh. TUE OTTLOOK IN SPA1S. Parid, 1C Cistellax has sen: a dispatch dis-patch to tte Spanish residents in i'aris which clearly intimates that the new covernnieDt is resolved not to part with Cuba, and 10 keep the Spanish thg on a portion of the American tci-ritory tci-ritory as a pledge oi the perpetual union ol' the old and new worlds. As the manifesto ot" Casteibr, to loreiyo powers, has not yes reached Pans, picsidcot Ihicrs has no: yet 'recognized the Spanish republic LLr-eeluna LLr-eeluna has hoisted the dig ij the j lederative republic Tho authorities and troopo maiaiain order in the city, but it is apprehended that the question ques-tion of a federative republic will eive rise to serious complications. The peasants of Andalusia arc clamoring f.r a division oi' property. 1'aris, 16. The students of Barcelona, Barce-lona, Spain, demand liberty oi instruction, instruc-tion, abolition of fees and the removal of troops from the new university buildings. The sovernor promises to csk oi' tho ministry these concessions, lie csplalns that the university is occupied oc-cupied by troops, solely because it is a strategtio point. The Catalonian working men are making a demonstration demonstra-tion in favor of the release of conscripts iu the army, and demand arms for the people, municipal self - government, shorter hours of work aud higher wages. Mass meetings, attended by irom 3,000 to 5,000 workingmen, have been held, and speeches were made in favor of the democratic republic which were wildly oheered. At one place workingmen, belonging to the International society, marched in procession through tho streets. Several Sev-eral municipalities of Catalonia have distributed arms to the people. .Madrid, 16, The assembly yesterday yester-day sanctioned the amnesty of all republican re-publican insurgents, and offenders against the laws and regulations of the nrp Sfilmflrnn. mini-tpr fur thu colonies, read an official telegram from the authorities of Havana, giving in their adhesion to the republic. The assembly thereupon adopted a resolution resolu-tion that it heard the announcement wit joy. A debate on relbrms in Porto Rico will tako place Monday. It is officially announced that General Peira has been appointed commander in-chief of the army in tho north, in place of General Moriones, recaUcd and detailed to his former post as director di-rector of cavalry, Tho disturbances at Malaga wero suppressed without bloodshed, and the city continues tranquil. Orenz will probably be chosen President of the Council of States. A government steamer has been sent to Minorca to bring home republican prisoners, It is believed that admiral Topete and Sag&sta will leave Spain. Cus cellar's house was illuminated on Saturday night and the minister serenaded. He made an eloquent speech, which was received with great enthusiasm. Havana, 16. The news of the abdication abdi-cation of Amadous aud proclamation of the Spanish republic, published this 1 p.m., had an immediate effect in unsettling un-settling business and advancing premiums pre-miums ior gold to 23 per cent. There were no sellers. Ccballos will issue a proclamation on the new condition of political affairs declaring that everything every-thing will remain as hitherto respecting respect-ing Cuba's rela'-ioas with Spain, and he, as well as other Spanish officials, obey whatever government is constituted consti-tuted in Spain. The most intense excitement ex-citement exists among the people. The city, however, is tranquil. .Lisbon, 10 The government has asked the cortes to call out immediately imme-diately 9,000 men of the reserves to act as an army of observation on the frontier. ZorUla has arrived in Portugal. Portu-gal. It is stated that Victor Emanuel being opposed to his son's abdication, at tirst refused to consent to the return of A made us to Italy, but he sent word yesterday, on reft, tut ion, that he had relented and would be glad to receive him again. The ex-qucen of Spain is worso and confined to her bed. An Italian ft.ee t is hourly expected in the Tagus. The British squadron in the Tagus has been placed at the disposal of the ex-king. The students peacefully peace-fully paraded the streets of Cermbea yesterday, in honor of the establishment establish-ment of the Spanish republic. London, lti. A special dispatch from Paris to tho Daily Telegraph says Prance will attempt to compel Spain to sell Cuba, and that tho United States had offered 2,500,000,000 francs, payable pay-able in two years, but that Spain refused. re-fused. Paris, 16. The Carlist refugees at Nantes havo removed the cross of Savoy from the escutcheon of the Italian ocnsul. They were arrested and expelled frem tho city. Paris, IT. Manifesto ol'Cftstcllar will be delivered to Thiers to day. The recognition of the Spanish republic by France is expected to follow immediately. imme-diately. Members of tho modi rite left in the assembly decline to joiu the extreme ex-treme lefts in an address to the republic repub-lic of Spain. Lisbon, 17. Tho government organs or-gans officially deny any movement in Portugal for the establishment of a republic |