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Show Little Cottonwood. A gentlo-man gentlo-man down from Grizzly Flat informs ua that that bruinish region is favored with snow anywhere from twelve to thirty foot deep on the level, and that a man could sink down twenty to twenty-Iivo feet almost anjwhoro on the hill side without "striking grave!." From Alta to Tanuor's it is probably ten foot deep, well packed, and the road cot so bad. About a hundred teams went up tho oanyon on Saturday. Sat-urday. Tho Flagstaff, Vallejo and Emma aro shipping ore, but under difficulties, When it snows in good stylo up at the head of the canyon, about throe feet will bo deposited in twelvo hours; and it takes spells of snowing in the most independent fashion, fash-ion, with littlo no duo and small regard for tho feelings of thoso who may venture ven-ture out of doors for a spell. Altogether, Alto-gether, Cottonwood is behaving itsolf in tho ugliest winter fashion, so far as snow is concerned, and items aro about as plenty as blackberries in May that is, they can bo found whero they have been preserved acd laid away for future fu-ture use. With tho opening of spring and the melting of tho snows, if not with tho first thaw, thero will doubtless be heavy snow-slides, which thoao who havo business up and down tho oanyon, or who occupy cabins on tho hill-side, in exposed positions, should endeavor to avoid or guard against. |