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Show ENFORCE THE LAWS- There ha a b:cu a ft,uA deal of talk lately about eulorciDK ilia Uwj, and uue of numerous Oiiiortutiiliud now otuurn to do 8oaietluiK. A cijwiumn-citi'jii cijwiumn-citi'jii from ju'Jc H'ik '. J'.'puty Tcr-Mturul Tcr-Mturul uUuriiey-k'uiiBral, flpjitrH id another column, contniuinK Lin do-Ltaud do-Ltaud fur a vcuiru to uuu l'ur a grand jury, anJ giving thi rea.-.oLH why a irraod jury hliuuM bo huin-uioued. huin-uioued. The law ia ilaio or (ite Hulct, and it is On: law, ho decided decid-ed by tlio hitfliuiit tribunal of tLc country; coun-try; bo that, the clerk in treaties the demand of judto Hugo with '-'nilent contempt" wilfully and deliberately j violiitCM tho law. Will judjio Me Keau ; whoao clerk ho in, remove him? We uro inclined to think not; in UkI, there in very Htronx rca.ion to bclicvo that j idve MeKcan would lo moro likely fo remove him if he i.-hucd tlio veniro. Tho purpoac is, to keep iho idea alive that tho courta in Utah arc obstructed; and thuy are, but tltcy place tho ob-fti ob-fti uetioaa in tho way lliciu.-iclvun, to fivo color to tlio demand made for hpecial IcKirtlation. Wo say enforce tho lawn, and let l'rcnident Grant beiio with tlio courts that nhould boo the lawn enforced. |