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Show (By W. U. olom-aiih.) 111 ESI DEXT OltAXT'S SOUT1IEUX TO UK. New York, 17, It is stated that President Grant's southern tour will be ol tho greatest significance to the pcoplo of that section. Tho President contemplates starting on tho twentieth of March accompanied by nearly all his cabinet besides many distinguished gentlemen, senators, members of congress con-gress and others. Kiohmond, Va., will he tho first stopping placo. It is tho President's purpose to mako this iniiial movement in his next administration adminis-tration an attempt to harmonize the people of tho North and South. He will look into tio condition of the South -socially and tho looal government govern-ment of tho States to bo visited. At Richmond, and other places, along the line of his visit, preparations are being made to give him an enthusiastio reception. |