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Show WJESIERX. California! San Francisco, 17. The jury in the caseof the boy Alonzo P. Kirkland, for assault to commit murder, found him guilty. He was remanded to jail, and will be tried next for robbery. It is stated that Stanford's Occident will be put in training immediately for a race with Rosalind. Sacramento, 17 Bernard Moreno, the person shot at Elko last summer by a drunken school teacher, is so ill of the wound in this city that be will be unable to attend the trial which soon comes off at Elko. Extensive improvements are being made on the Masonic building. When completed it will compare favorably with tho handsomest structure in this city. San Diego, 17. Tho steamship Orizaba Ori-zaba arrived at S a m. with a large load of passengers and 120 tons of freight for this port. She had a verj" rough pas sage. It is expected the evidence on both sides of tho Forster-Peco case will bo in lo-morniw evening. The caso invokes in-vokes tho ownership of one-half the Santa Margarita Ranch, valued at SJIX),000. Bakersville, 17. At an election held throughout Kern county, 15th insL, to vole on the question of tho removal of tho county seat from Havilah to Bakers-field, Bakers-field, il is conceded Bakersrield has a small majority, with one small precinct to near from. Arizona. o n;n, I- liV.-im a nrinlA Iattr dated Tucson 11th, the fellowing is clip-pod:Cachiso's clip-pod:Cachiso's band have been raiding in Sonora, killing men and stealing cattle and horses. A communication was received re-ceived to-day by governor Su fiord, from the prelect at Magdalena. on this subject, and General Crook received one from governor Hcshuira, regarding regard-ing tho same matter. Mr. John D. Holly, a resident of Sonora, arrived today. to-day. Hilly confirms tho statements mado ouic'iitllv. Kich advice points directly to Cachise's band as being tho one lhat committed the depredation!, as they can go from Cachise 8 reservation to the frontier and other settlements in 24 hours. The letter strongly censures tho terms ot peace, which it says were dictated by Cachiso, without advising Gcnurals Crook or Schotield. The United Slates authorities thero, thus appealed to (or prolevtion, are apparently ap-parently powerless to act. as tho bloodthirsty blood-thirsty old sinner will not submit to interference in-terference save at the price of war with the United Slates as before. Leopold Valencia. A number of the supreme court of Mexico is one of the six men killed during tho past four weeks. |