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Show THE JIOltHON BILL. The huu-e committee on judiciary devuted tf,-lay's sr.-.- -icin to di-cmsing delegate Merrill' h Mormon bill, but advanced no further than the third s- etijn, or about one-fyurth of the bill. The MormuD representatives here C'itint on the hck uftiuie and the div;--ii-n among thu cjuituittee, to fa' e liu;u lr'-"Ji aiver-e legislation, but sever sev-er il members of t1 e committee express i tieiu-t-iv'is quite in rarnc.-t to re"rt ti.e b;l' and press its passage. TLe uif judiciary C'jmmittec, which is (ii-eu-sinyr the fame subject, makes slow pr"ir'-i toward r-'port, aud It id prw'.bie that uciihe-r Logan's nor Fre-i Fre-i Un k ii uy sen's bill will be reported with-i with-i out luporlant changes, i Senator Pool is prerarinz a bill j which meet! with considerable lavor j aiiior. the committeo aud moio with I the Mormon interest outside, since it lets them off easily, which touches j only on the question of polygamy, and ! does not attempt to disturb the Terri-i Terri-i torial and municipal system of Utah. j Intei-Occan liith. |