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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Antwerp, liijgiuin, ha.i voted if'J,-0'VW if'J,-0'VW to enlarge her docks and tun- ; struct piers. Heavy frauds di -covered anion ir the conductors of the I'un Handle rtrlwjy . route. Several arrt-atf. The ea'nival wa-oo at Lome has . hrca inaugurals! with gn-at briu ai:vy. The streets aro lind wnu p.ca-urc otektr. A mr.rity of the conurva'.tve generals gen-erals of t lie ; aoirh army have a. sur d goverum-mt ih'it they wiil no: ouol the republic. The men arrc-ted at Leoiy, l-'ranjc, for rape aud murder have bi-'.-n !oui;d guilty and sentenced to hard labor ir various terms the iougc-si b-ii! for -'J years. Erchbyteiian church, corner Houston and Thompson htrects, New York, crubed in by weight of snow. Eurni-turt: Eurni-turt: ami new organ demolished. Loss Two, of a party of roughs creating a row at Sargent, Kansas, were bhot by a saloon keeper. The party then went to Lodce city where two more were killed by tho vigilantes. There are many newspaper criticisms onjudm: Davis deciion. granting a ; Htay of prorredings in the Stokes case. ' The New York bar universally regard the decision as one which, under the ' circumstances, no ju-Jo could have ' conecieutiously or judi.ioualy avoided. 1 A Hood in the Monongahela river yesterday, swept away from its ' moorings a fleet of iiG coal barges, with a Dumber of persons on each of tho several sev-eral boats, which were sunk. It is rcport- " ad that a number of men wero drowned, but it is impossible now to Btato tho extent of damago to property or number num-ber of lives lost. Tho city charter of New Y'ork a tuieuui.u Hill lliuuuu., uhi --(... I laturo this week and becouio a law. It ; will reruovo every present head of department de-partment and create other changes of a sweeping character, heretofore reported. re-ported. Tho board of aldermen is abolished, and the polico commissioners commission-ers aro shorn of a great deal of their present power. The superintendent of polico has his powers enlarged. |