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Show tlJy V. U. Tclograph.) MUTl'AL ADMIRATION KK-TffKES KK-TffKES SHKLES A X D i'lli-UKKOS. i'lli-UKKOS. Madrid, 10. Sickles, United States minister, to-day called upon Picueros and addressed him as follows : Pursuant Pursu-ant to orders from my government 1 salute your excellency upon the estab-ment estab-ment of a republic in Spain. The United States, occupying a large tract of tho continent civilized by Spanish faith and valor, cannot contemplate unmoved the spectacle of tho empire of Ferdinand and Usabella transformed into a republic. The American pcop'e rejoice to see Srain imitating their exaruple in establishing their prosperity prosper-ity and power upon solid foundations, expressing to your excellency the fervent fer-vent giiod wishes of President Grant n pd rvcocniziDg the most agreeable duty ol my mision to this noble and 'onerous country, Senor Figuero in 1 r. p'y said: My grave res; onsibiiiiy would overwhelm me were it not lor 1 such moniems as the present when you so e!c()uently convey the robust voice of the American people in blessing and acclaiming the advent of a repub ic winch moderate energy has achieved and providence will preserve. If the United States is indebted to Spain for the discovery of the American continent conti-nent Spain is indebted to the United States for the loundation of a new social so-cial order. Spain will remember the worthy cx .mplc set her by the United States, Figucros concluded hu speech as follows- e hold in the new world au integral portion oi territory destined under the Spacish flig to serve as a connecting link between the two continents. conti-nents. In order that the Antilles may aceoinpli.-h that mission and realize their civilizing objects wc reiy rn Spn-i.-h cnerry 3nd the strength of Spanish iniir.uiitiif. |